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  • CAFishead
    Southern California
    Posts: 10


    If I get another hunting dog, I’ll buy a mechanism that allows them to load and unload into the back of the pickup or SUV.

    A good item is called My Prys are near and over 100 pounds and getting up and down this strong, composite ramp is easy. It slids together to afford fit into the back cargo area of most SUV’s. (Most men SUV’s).
    For those whom asked the question:No, I am not associated, nor do I benefit financially from the sale of these…

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    No Offense taken. Please re-read my post, I did make a suggestion.
    No offense John23, but Personal Issue? It is no longer a Personal Issue when brought into this type of public forum.-Posted asking for “Any comments are greatly appreciated”. He asked for comments and I gave him mine and he is a nice enough guy to appreciate them before hearing them.
    I have had dogs for over 35 years. Never did I get a dog that I didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t take care of. (My Husky just passed last year at the age of 16. He recovered from cancer surgery three times until brain cancer couldn’t be operated on).
    I sacraficed many things in my life to have a dog, money was just one of them. (If I was dog-less I would have tried fishing the tournament trail).
    Long ago I realized dogs were like kids. But they don’t go to college or drive my truck.

    I’m off my soapbox now.

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    I am all for Columbine style school shootings, with one stipulation; They start backwards with the suicide.

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    In all fairness, my post listed below, was made based upon the orignal post from Johnl. [see Edited by johnl (10/02/06 11:51 AM)] above. His initial post was edited later in the day after several replys, including this one, were made.

    $1500 to $1800 is too much to pay to take care of your pet!? Why did you become an owner in the first place? Did you think dogs are “free”?

    Take care of your dog. It can’t do this repair on its own. You chose to have a pet now step up to the plate. Take a loan out if you have to. Stop buying the things you don’t need and pay the vet on lay away if you have to.

    I spent $8,000 for one of my dogs to take care of heart surgery. I didn’t have the cash in hand but made sacrifices to get it done when it was needed.

    Pets are not part of our disposable world. Don’t treat them that way.

    Do what’s right and when this pet passes, don’t get another one.

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like no one goes hungry. One queston; when did alcohol become food?

    Have a good winter.

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    The sponsors have really stepped up to the plate and delivered GREAT prizes! Thanks!

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    Be sure to check what “Personal Equipment” means by reading the policy under “definitions”. You may be covered under your Homeowners or Renters policy under the “Personal Property” heading. A Sonar, GPS is Personal Property, it just happens to be away from your residence when you go fishing. Just like if you have a theft from the boat of clothing, rods, electronics, etc. These are all considered Personal Property; Homeowners policy covers the loss. By having coverage from a homeowners policy you can save the few bucks a year on premium.
    Keep in Mind: One thing insurance companies are looking at is getting rid of insureds that have claims. They look at frequency and severity. How often a claim, how severe the loss amount. If you have had a claim in the last 5 years, maybe a “Personal Equipment” endorsement on your separate boat policy is better. That way, if you have another boat related Personal Property loss, your Homeowners policy is not at risk for cancellation.
    Check with your agent about your specific situation. If he doesn’t know, get a new agent.

    Southern California
    Posts: 10

    See what she looked like out of the water… 28.5 inches.

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