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  • Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Holy Cow Glad to here your OK Can’t be to careful out there……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Hey Chris, Nice Link Now saved on desk top …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Congrats. You will be surprised how fast them little minds learn things. So don’t hold back, show them all that you have found so wonderful in this great State outdoors. And after thats over you get to start all over again with Grand Kids if your lucky ……….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Good job Brandt and Cory, I wasn’t able to make this one but I sure don’t want to miss any more.Still haven’t had the boat out of the shed yet. This darn work still gets in my way. But not for long …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Be very careful on the south end. South of Spider, East of Lower Twin, Sat. AM There was an area of open water 100′ across. Not good for wheelers in the AM fog. I stayed clear but could catch someone not knowing of this spot. ………BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Tuck, You weren’t trying to “FORD” that spot of bad ice and water were you ……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Just noticed that picture of the Otters has a Rhino tucked in on the Windy side Doesn’t look windy or cold in that picture at all ……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Hey Chris Finely got time to respond To you about your close call last night. I think it must be the blind fold thing again. I forgot again to tell ya that you have to take it off when your driving by your self from that spot Glad to here your OK. Gets the heart a pumpen when you have to bail out the window doesn’t it. Had to do that last year when the Rhino went in Worked on Becky’s Basement today, NO Fishing Later……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    A bit on the nasty side that AM. The Rhino with the heated cab was the way to go that day Cory’s buddy Scott Wilber did a fine job landing that 27 1/2 incher Them Go-Devils really do the trick Firetiger this time We were happy you were there with the camera It was the only one that wasn’t froze up, so he could put her back in right away Oh yah sorry about the blind fold. You didn’t have to were it while you where fishing ……….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    That project was Called City Walk Condominiums, can’t remember the Address. About 7 storys of parking ramp with about with 10-12 storys of condo on top. I beleave winter of ’81’. Still work for BOR-SON until June of this year ……BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    That project was Called City Walk Condominiums, can’t remember the Address. About 7 storys of parking ramp with about with 10-12 storys of condo on top. I beleave winter of ’81’. Still work for BOR-SON until June of this year ……BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    I don’t see any need for a 2 line change. 1 line suites me just fine. I’m out there to ‘FISH’ not to See how fast I can fill the box. …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Joe Schuur, I last worked with Joe on a job in St. Paul in 1981. Very Nice Guy Miss Them Old timers. I don’t recall Bill. How far back would he be?…….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Joe Schuur, I last worked with Joe on a job in St. Paul in 1981. Very Nice Guy Miss Them Old timers. I don’t recall Bill. How far back would he be?…….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Dan, You are correct that is lake Oscar and the farmer has lost a bunch of ground all around that lake. I didn’t get to do any bird hunting with the ‘Olson Twins’ this fall had a bit of shoulder trouble and had to have surjury Maybe next fall …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Dan, You are correct that is lake Oscar and the farmer has lost a bunch of ground all around that lake. I didn’t get to do any bird hunting with the ‘Olson Twins’ this fall had a bit of shoulder trouble and had to have surjury Maybe next fall …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    The old duck shack is all but under water at this time. Not sure how long ago you were there but when we moved out of it a couple of years ago water had already risen up over the dog kennels on the hill side. The ducks had ended up being few and far between after the lake was taken over by minnows & carp, lost all of the shrimp and the cattails. Oh well life goes on…….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    The old duck shack is all but under water at this time. Not sure how long ago you were there but when we moved out of it a couple of years ago water had already risen up over the dog kennels on the hill side. The ducks had ended up being few and far between after the lake was taken over by minnows & carp, lost all of the shrimp and the cattails. Oh well life goes on…….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    OK Ripper now your on my list. You took Rollie & Greg bird hunting and the three of you forgot all about me I can understand them two not wanting me along to shoot all of the birds But you
    Just giving you a little —- Nice report. I’ll give them other two a call Later……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    OK Ripper now your on my list. You took Rollie & Greg bird hunting and the three of you forgot all about me I can understand them two not wanting me along to shoot all of the birds But you
    Just giving you a little —- Nice report. I’ll give them other two a call Later……..BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Hey Tuck. Going to try it Tuesday AM on the South End. Will give you a yell if things look good………BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    For what you are looking for The 2000 W. Honda Hands down. We use one at our deer shack. Will run 8 + hours on tank of gas and very Quiet it will run all of our lights, TV, Microwave,Coffee maker,range fan even runs a heater in the out house with no problem. We had years earlier used a 2400 W. Colman, Nice unit but to much noise and you had to keep putting gas in it about every hour.Go with the Honda well worth the money, unless you like the gas smell on your hands………BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    I’m with ya on ther super X2 3 1/2″ just picked one up this fall. Used a 1100 Rem. for years,still have the Berreta 391 that replaced my old Rem. But hands down like the X2 the best.
    handles every thing from target loads for sporing clays to the big candles on the geese. Not quite as good of deal, but with the new rubberized stock for $650.

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    I’m with ya on ther super X2 3 1/2″ just picked one up this fall. Used a 1100 Rem. for years,still have the Berreta 391 that replaced my old Rem. But hands down like the X2 the best.
    handles every thing from target loads for sporing clays to the big candles on the geese. Not quite as good of deal, but with the new rubberized stock for $650.

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    10-4 0n the be careful. I would make sure you have a good GPS and preferably one that takes a lake chip. Please do not go alone if you have not been on the lake before. I would suggest arriving early and prescout where you will be fishing later in the dark. With no moon it can be as dark as the inside of a cat out there. Good luck …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Yes again to that. The bite has been real good , but you need to do some home work and stay out late. Try different depths colors and stiles. Rouges in chrome or chrome/blue,blk,or craw did most of my work. My Son Cory was a die hard and a bit stuburn, He stuck to only Fire Tiger, the only changes he would do was if we were fishing shallower 4′ + –
    he would change to a floater but stayed with the fire tiger color. He did very well. Here is one of his ” how about this one ” Does it get any better, Maybe, but we sure like it now.

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Heading up Wed. PM, will stay until Sunday. I plan on starting down on the South End Wed. ( because it’s close to the Cabin ) and see what I can shake loose. Crestliner–Black trim, Flying Old Glory off the light pole )

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Way to go Chris, Looks like I better check the Crank boxes and see what I have that has a lot of shine to it. I’m heading up Wed. PM but not soon enough for me. . Oh by the way the duck hunting was not very good Just got a few Keep in touch …….BB

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Tuck, I talked to some of my neighbors down on the south end Sunday AM. They did worse than we did. Lots of wind and no Walters For the Sat. Night run Perch have been going good in the Bays Looks Like it’s a little bit of duck blind action Sat. AM in P.C. and comeing back up mid next week.

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