Thanks for this post, By the way # 70 is representing. Good job Dennis,
See ya,
August 27, 2007 at 7:50 am
Thanks for this post, By the way # 70 is representing. Good job Dennis,
See ya,
Sorry for the mix up BUT
Your “Ilandsmallcats”
this post was for “Icatchsmallcats” not a big difference between you two but still a difference.
I hope you have had a great summer through.
See ya,
Hey Dreamer,
How is it going?
It’s good to hear from you again.
You, Denise and great fishing on the Red (with a little smack talkin)jeez it’s just like the good old days.
Now if we can keep Brink (mealy worm) and gaterhumper (gater hunter)away it could get fun in this form again.
because all they want to talk about is wine and classic 70’s disco, ho yeah and the great wallnutter tony D and the trips across the Dakota’s
See ya Dreamer,
Take care
A picture of my arm?
You must have been bumped because you were trying to take a picture of my .
see ya
Thanks for the report I am going to see icatchthesmallfishandactliketherebig(aka dennise), this weekend.
See ya
Mealy (aka Brink) are you falling off the wagon again?
Are you fishing for Green carp again? The last time a guy fell off the Catwagon and started to fish with wallnutters again C/A and I had to get him some professional help. (it did not work)Then he disapeared and followed Tony Dean across the Dakotas for 2 years, selling Tie Dyed Tee shirts and Oregano from his 1969 VW Bug.(but it appears that icatchsmallcats is ready to come back to the fold and claim he’s a cat guy again)
Just stay away from Dakota and no more Saturday morning T.V. o.k. Brink.
see ya,
Hey Iliketocathcthesmallestoffishbecausetonydeansaysican,
Your back and talkin smack.
Almost like the old days.
Well I see you put that bottle of Merlot down and quit following Tony Dean across the Dakotas.
Did you quit Tie Dyeing also?
I know you still have a poster of “The Bay City Rollers” in your Bedroom.
At least that is what mealy worm (aka Brink)tells me.
Are you still fishing for snauggers?
Did you ever perfect the now infamous “limp wrist wallnutter jigging technique”?
God we all here at the Red River Form have missed you sooooo much.
Mostly because I have been blamed for your absence.
Obsean and I are thinking of the 20th if your not running the Marathon in Fargo
and if you are running the Marathon
I think we will come up anyway. and
Hey do you still have that “Barry Manalow is my President”
Bumper sticker on your VW Bug? If you do Mealy worm (aka Brink) wants one, and I told him I would pick it up from you.
See ya Soon
This isn’t your normal haunt anymore.
Did they close down the “Village people fan club site” you are usually viewing this time of night?
I heard you were going “Real” fishing and leaving the famous snaugger hole to Landsgreencarp but I did not believe it.
In all honesty.
The Red River board is just not the same without you.
See ya,
My beloved Red river board, I leave and look at what the Racoon drags in. Posting of all things,…… wallnutter info. Well, I guess leave it to Mealy worm. (aka Brink)
Win – win, huh Mealy more like lose – lose
hey ladies there are no other fish in the Red (or at least shouldn’t be)
See ya
Hi lands(green)carp,
Oh I did not know you were talking about MoonEye, that is much better, Sorry my bad.
See ya,
Hey Pugsli
I won’t shun a 3lb+ catty. It’s still a catfish!
Thats what I’m talkin about!
See ya
Bowfinhunter…. collects it in a bowl and eats it like soup…..
Are you sayin it isn’t soup?
O.k well I’ll take another helping.
See ya
Episode II The Boat ride
Well before mealy would move the VW he made us both “pinky swear” not to leave with out him. (which both C/A and I decided to do but C/A’s word is his word so we stayed put)
C/a and I loaded the River Pro and waited, and waited, and waited……… Finally mealy showed up I did not know a little guy could carry so much junk. He was wearing a torn back-pac that he claimed he used when he followed Tony Dean across the Dakotas selling tie dyed tee shirts out of the back of the vary VW Bug he still drives to the day.
He had on his left foot a old semi black jump boot from the french army and a flip-flop on the other. He wore jean shorts with wear holes in all the WRONG places.
And he wore a old Tye Dyed wife beater tee shirt with The famous Tony D’s autograph still readable. (we found out this was his lucky fishing tee-shirt, we of course did not ask, but during his rambling conversation with himself we made that much out) But in his hands he carried a full size guitar and his “sing along to the hits of Barry Manalow” book he also had a life size cut out card board copy of Liberachi, a Zorro mask, a foot long hot dog, 2 bottles of Zima, a Cheech Martin paper “weight”, a extra large bottle of Sun tan lotion, a half compleated scrap book of the best of Barbera Stricend pictures, VHS copys of “Yentel” and “Torch song Trilige”, a large leather bound copy of “Kama Sutura”, a plaster bust of Mick Jagger, a oversized hat that read “Brad Pitt fan club president”,
and his now famous poster (usually hanging over his bed) of the The Back Street Boys.
I looked at C/A and we both rolled our eyes and after much kicking and screaming, begging and pleading we were off.
Now I fish because it nice to commune with nature, but the incessent chatter form Mealys side of the boat was pitiful from a grown man. He wanted to talk about things like.
Who we thought was the prettist back street boy and weather we thought Barry Manilow was going to make another album. O the talking went on and on and on.
Mealy is up on all the holly wood gosip thro did any one else know that that dude from “Fight club” married and divorced from that good looking girl on the show on channel 11 on thursdays? And now hes dating that really good looking chic from that “Tomb raider” show. Mealy seemed rather sad as he told us that little bit of gosip and I hope that its because he thought that girl from “tomb Raider” was cute to. (but I doubt it)
Well we finally got to the first spot and Mealy forgot his 4 weight fly rod, as he starts crying all over again I cast my 1st 6.72 inch bullhead into the murky water below, finally C/A gives Mealy one of his rod’s to fish with. Mealy can’t figure out which end to cast with or how to hold it (we told him time and time again to put it in the rod holder) or how to reel it in.
When he found out it had a clicker on it was the only time he shut up the whole night, instead he would pull out a little string and squeel like a little girl that just saw a mouse “WEEEEE” he’d say it the top of his voice. As the clicker clicked out. I looked over at C/A and he was wrestlin with the Liberachi poster to move it out of the way so he could cast his 6.248 inch Bullhead into the water.
Episode III the 1st Flat of the night comming soon.
See ya
All right alright,
this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me catfish Gods.
It is true C/A and I were going to go fishing and I was late getting to C/A’s house. As we were in C/A’s truck and headin to the fishing hole, C/A notices a pimped out VW restored 69 bug (tie dyed pink and mauve) following us as we pulled onto Hwy 61 off of 94. C/A says to me I think thats Mealy worms ride. I look back and sure enuff a old timer is waving franticly at me. He followed us down to the launch area and as we pulled ahead to launch the boat ol’Mealy pulled his “Bug” behind us to stop us from launching.
I said “mealy get out of the way grownups are tring to fish over here”. He then threw hisself on the ground and started to beg us to take him with us, C/A and I both shook our heads in the Negative but o’Mealy making a scene started to cry, I am like dude calm down but he was blubberin and cryin and screamin “O please O please” He was making such a fuss and cryin so hard that C/A started to break, mealy sense’in that C/A was breakin said I brought all my Stuff and everthing, sure enuff we looked in the o’VW and it was packed full of jusk not related to fishing Villige people posters Donny Osman Albums and cases and cases of harlaquinn romance novels, but sure enuff he did have a broken down 4 weight fly rod with a shhomo 100 open face reel with 4lb test line. C/A being more compassionet then I finally relented and said he can come. Mealy hearing these words squeeled like a squirel with a bag of “nuts”. “Oh Yea”
said mealy I said but you can only bring the fly rod. He said “O anything to come with”. I looked ac C/A and said “O Boy” and shook my head sadly.
Episode II comming soon
See ya for now
Sorry I was in haste when I posted that
How about “Eye Gouge”
” Eye Gout”
is that better Mealy?
See ya
Eye Guide,
Masterful use of language and imagery.
You sir are the Man!
See ya,
Hey Friend(Mealy worm),
Glad to here you finally found your “soap”
and No thanks I do not need another picture of you in the tub to prove you found it.
Hey did you and Gapenhumper (gaterhumper)ever share that vintage bottle of Boones Farm strawberry snapple you have saving for when you catch your first legal 13.2689 inch green carp (zander)of the season? Well dude pop off the top off it was a full moon and Gater was in the mood to “shag Baby, Yeah”
See ya now go back to the ice house with Landscarp.
See ya
Dude did you just get some rain up there or do you have about a foot of ice too?
Why on Gods green earth would you even admit to fishing for
Green carp. God man, you live in Mecca why (ever) fish for anything else…..
Jeese sit on a bank (on the Red) and just look, or at worst drive the 5 hours down here I am sure Mealy worm (aka Brink)
would be glad to bring you out.
You could both talk at lenght about the delicacies of the famous green carp limp wrist jiggin technique. (You are both Protege of the great Tony D follower and limp wrist jiggin inventer Icatchsmallsnauggers) but Man YOU LIVE IN MECCA.
See ya
Hey did I read this right some Nob admitted to liking green carp… here in the sacred catfish form and Mealy worm (aka. Brink) was the only one to jump to the defence of the holiest of holy. (Catfish) What is up wit dat!
Shame on all of you.
Pugsli I have heard that there is a whole form of green carp fishermen around here somewhere if you look you can find a way to talk to people of that ilk. (I do not know why you would want to)
We are more fun
See ya
Hey landscats,
Much better picture, keep up the good work.
See ya
AAAHhhh Fargo,How lucky for you to be heading that way It always brings a tear to my eye when I hear of someone else going up there. You lucky dog.
There are a couple of dams and a couple parks up there.
M.B. Johnson park comes to mind, But I would try to find the dams if I were you.
Also buy some suckers and cut them up BUT watch your rod if you don’t have a “clicker”. Or you will lose it to the Catfish Gods.
Dude I think you could also catch mooneye all day long at landings if you tried. Bring Nightcrawlers too. (but cut them into 1/4 pieces with a smaller hook)for mooneyes.
Good luck and see ya
P.S. If you see a couple guys laying on a blanket sharing a bottle of wine and talking “jigging” don’t fear its only Dennise and O’Joe. They are harmless.
I better start showing the right fish for the right water. I’ll remember to post only Red River Pictures here and lake pictures with the lake.
Please and thank you
See ya
Dude say it ain’t so… another imposter I had so much hope for ya to. I guess the writing was on the wall you are a friend/travling companion to the great Dennise (iliketofishwithmeealywormandoystergulperbecausetheyaretheonlytwoicanfishwiththatmakemefeelmasculine) are you not.
I guess my first question is Are you O’ Joe Zebco, and do you like to go Gay Paris and hold your life partners hand while you drink Merlot?
I thought so…..
Well a word to the “wise” I would not tell anyone that you
know the famous Tony D Limp wrist green carp jigging technique or you will have Mealy worm (aka Brink, aka Neil, aka OoothathurtsBUTdontstop) and Oyster gulper (aka Bob, aka gater hummer, aka evenBlatzcantgetthattasteoutofmymouth) up following you around asking if they could “please Oh please be your dock Boy” and droppin the soap (like they ever would use it).
I guess there is a special place in the Firey Pit for wallnutters.
At least according to Dante. (who as we all know is a True catfisherman at heart)
See ya
Hey C/A
Slip bobber?
did you ask Mealy worm (aka Brink)
what that stuff is
That sounds like something the crazy wallnutter Tony D would use, maybe mealy worm knows the famous wallnutter “limp wrist” jiggin technique? what do you think?
he does hang around with Oyster gulper (aka gater jumper/humper) after all.
and there both soggybottomboyswithultralightrodsandforeverlimpwrists don’t
ya know?
See ya
Hi landscats
The cats are ON yeah!
That is good news, but I have one question?
What is a Minnesota fishing opener?
Your not talking about green carp opening up are you?
Why would any one close a season on them., don’t they infest our lakes and rivers as it is?
O well
See ya
Hi Mile high,
Dude no need to thank me I consider it a public service.
WE must stick together WE are outnumbered about 1,172 to 1
in Minnesota but we true catfishers like those odds.
Right C/A.
Hey Conman 15 two things wrong with those photos.
1. Mealy worm don’t have his pink lace frilly gloves on, he’d never get HIS hands all slimy from cat juice.
2. Those hands look normal sized everybody knows Mealy has the hand size of your average 3 year old.
You don’t need to defend the old girl she and her legions of See baNasty fisherman do alright defending themselfs.
Hey Carp girl
It’s mostly in fun.
P.S. I like your old name better
See ya
P.P.S. Hey C/A call me today because I’ll forget,(as usual) and I need to talk to ya.
Hi Mile or Mile high.
Wait are you telling me Brink (aka mealyworm) was caught kissin a baNAsty…. and this shocks you. That dude, has been a closet wallnutter (Green Carp)/baNasty fisherperson for a long time.
Yes it is true he has tried to project himself in OUR circles BUT he has not fooled me.
Alas some of us have tried before to intervene with supposed Cat fisherman. (read the sad tale in my history)
Sorry Mile but no matter hard you try.., or wish once a green carp fisherman always a green carp fisherman
I am sure he learned to kiss slimey nasty wet things at his and his boy toy’s (oystergulper aka Gater hummer) favorite bar the Blue Oyster in Bay? city. (I thought there was a G in there someplace) It is sad but true Mealy worm (aka Brink) has gone the way of Dennise Icatchsmallsnauggers and Ol’Joe Zebco.
Travlin the globe doin all sort of happy and GAY stuff, you know stuff like,
skinny dippin in the Seine river with all there Gay Parisean (male) friends.
Paring stinky cheese and French wine at Chateau St. Ahomeo in the french country side.
Dropin the soap at Hotel Sofietel
And last but not least following there Hero Tony Dean across the South Dakota countryside selling tie dyed crank baits and “Hot Pink” TUBE baits. Begging to be taught by there master Tony D the famous “limp wrist” wallnot jigging
But Tony D will never tell, he will lead his followers all over the South Dakota countryside selling there wares cheap and doing his bidding and making bad T.V.
O well, Mile don’t say you havent been warned….
See Ya