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Viewing 23 posts - 1 through 23 (of 23 total)
  • BloodSports
    Posts: 24

    Thats great I guess the cheese heads have somthing to look forward too this year LOL

    Posts: 24

    Thats great I guess the cheese heads have somthing to look forward too this year LOL

    Posts: 24

    Iv`e made a couple you do have to be carefull with the glue, the smaller drill bit works better [smaller the better] Also dont sand the little piece to much you want to have it snug in there so you have some resistance to put some pressure on the battery to make it hold in the shaft if there isn`t enough the light wont come on, Iv`e lost a bunch of arrows and wish I had them…!!!!!

    Posts: 24

    Iv`e made a couple you do have to be carefull with the glue, the smaller drill bit works better [smaller the better] Also dont sand the little piece to much you want to have it snug in there so you have some resistance to put some pressure on the battery to make it hold in the shaft if there isn`t enough the light wont come on, Iv`e lost a bunch of arrows and wish I had them…!!!!!

    Posts: 24

    I just thought that would get a responce with a little humor LOL

    Posts: 24

    I just thought that would get a responce with a little humor LOL

    Posts: 24

    Went threw Chamberlin over the weekend and saw abunch of guys fishing it was nice weekend there

    Posts: 24

    Crazy that`s one pissed off pig,Im sure they clean out there droors afterwards LOL

    Posts: 24

    Crazy that`s one pissed off pig,Im sure they clean out there droors afterwards LOL

    Posts: 24

    Maybe that deer is a hermaphrodite

    Welcome to the sit 34 you`ll find that there are alot of guys/gals from the metro on here. Start a new tread and tell us about yourself..!!!

    Posts: 24

    Maybe that deer is a hermaphrodite

    Welcome to the sit 34 you`ll find that there are alot of guys/gals from the metro on here. Start a new tread and tell us about yourself..!!!

    Posts: 24

    I heard that their`s pigs down by redwing maybe thats a rumor, Sure would like to stick me one

    Posts: 24

    I heard that their`s pigs down by redwing maybe thats a rumor, Sure would like to stick me one

    Posts: 24

    Haven`t been fishing yet seen afew guys out on marion

    Posts: 24

    Thanks everyone I just got on monday night so Im alittle behind on my profile, I live in Apple Valley MN I noticed that alot of you are from this area I`ll work on the profile soon but Im going turkey hunting this weekend I`ll show some pics when I return Thanks again I was looking around on the web and found this and Im glad I did

    Posts: 24

    I heard those monster bows were illegal in MN being with the let off at 95/100 %

    Posts: 24

    I heard those monster bows were illegal in MN being with the let off at 95/100 %

    Posts: 24


    Our State has failed us in all areas of Tribal issues. It’s time to put a state run casino to a vote and use some of the proceeds for sportmen to lobby these dirty politicians

    Im so mad I cant think of anything to say right now except our state is turning into a joke Politicians they just dont get it

    Posts: 24

    Leaving for South Dakota this weekend cant wait too shoot my first turkey, Going with my bow,Get too shoot 2 with the license that I got, Area 49a

    Posts: 24

    Leaving for South Dakota this weekend cant wait too shoot my first turkey, Going with my bow,Get too shoot 2 with the license that I got, Area 49a

Viewing 23 posts - 1 through 23 (of 23 total)