no, i live in downsville, bought a house here, lived in menomonie before, anyways, ya, the bullfrog has some big ones, my wif and son went there on a field trip last friday, she said it would be hard to catch one that big though, because as soon as your bait hits the water, they are on right away. There is a trout farm in star prarie (north of new richmond) that has some huge trout in it, ive been there, its very nice, she said it was nicer there too, and that place has some huge trout, with about 12 different ponds, with the fish kind of assorted by size in each pond, and you can see all of the fish in the water, its very clear. At bullfrog she said it was very hard to see in the water, and its just one big pond.
Anyways, havent even had a chance to get out to go fishing yet. I have the itch real bad, just no time….soon though.
good luck fishing