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  • BirdEye
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 4

    This is not a sales pitch. Steve is the real deal.

    Mike Auer,
    Friend and sometimes when I’m lucky, his fishing partner.

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 4


    My family and I were hit by another boat on opening day a few years ago. The story is very simular accept that it was the middle of the day. I was with my wife and my two daughters 6 and 11 at that time. We had just pulled our lines in and I turned to start the tiller and I could hear a boat comming that I thought was to close. I had just enough time to turn and see this boat hit the front corner of my boat were my daughter was sitting. The impact spun my boat 180 degrees and the boat that hit us drove right over the spot we were. Luck was with us that day and no one was hurt. I had made my children were there life jackets and boy I was thankfull for that. The three men who hit us had just come from the dock of a famous bar in Garrison. They did manage to stop. They claimed they were’nt drinking. I got there names and gave them a server A## chewing. I was sorry my kids had to learn I could get so upset. Over all it was trumatic experience for us all. I have been an angler my whole life and watched peoples boating habits get worse and worse. the speeds that boats are going now create an even bigger threat on the water. My family and I still fish but I am always on my guard now. No more quick naps in the boat when the fishing is slow for me.

    Good Luck, Be safe
    Mike Auer

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 4


    Has anyone heard or know if Lower Red Lake is recoverying
    the same as upper? I know that the two lakes are connected but are the fish populating the lakes evenly?
    With the joint effort that the Indians and state are using to repopulate the lakes, I would be interested in knowing about the fish populations in the Indian controlled area’s

    Mike Auer

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 4

    I am trying to make plans to go out to Erie. I know you don’t know me but I am friends of DeeZee and Ron Zimmermen. I have fished with them on a number of other outings. (Hi! Steve and Ron) I have never been to lake Erie but I have heard an read enough about it over the years that I have decided that if I can arrange it I will go this year. I have a new job and it will limit the amount of time I can spend out there. Here is what I have planned for now. I would like to drive out on Thrusday the 24th and return on the Sunday the 27th. That will only leave me with two day’s of fishing, but it is the best I can do this year. I will be bringing my 17’6″ deep-V spectrum boat which handles large lake’s very well. I have many years of experience handling all sizes of boat’s on large lakes, I have had this boat on Superior, so I know my boat and it’s limit’s. I have asked my father to come with on the trip but he has not commited yet. It might be that I would like to team up with someone. For now I will have to wait and see.
    Just for your information I have fished walleye’s since I could hold a fishing pole. I have been following the FTL and FTR website’s for some time but have never made a post until now. I am sure that I have seen many of the FTL and FTR guy’s out on the water in the past. I will let you know what my plan’s are once the date get’s closer I am very much looking forward to have a chance at moving up my personal best which currently stands at 31″
    Keep your line wet,
    Mike Auer

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