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  • Bighorn
    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    I guess I’d like to think SC and some of the other fisheries around town could still be salvaged. Most of the posts I read on here are pretty bleak.

    For my part, I will not be taking fish and I will comply with the trial period rules, which is not the easiest thing to do, packing up as the sun goes down and the fishing picks up.

    Another thing I would ask for those that are going out to SC. I’m out there with my kids, so watch your language, this past Saturday we got to hear about the biggest g d f***ing sunny this guy had ever caught, and then every fish he caught he seemed to need to announce to the lake.
    And, I wasn’t the only Dad on the water.

    Sorry, but if I’m doing my part, I expect others to also.

    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    Careful there Greg. A lot of strong opinions from guys who have never fished there and don’t care if they do.

    So now that everyones had a chance to complain about how this was handled. What is to be done next?

    It’s real easy to point fingers at the cops, co, township, “skofflaws” and entitled illegals, thats all in the past. How do we get regulations on this reservoir?

    I fished it last year and I was out this past Saturday. It does seem slower this year but I was only out a few hours. Oh ya, I have yet to keep a fish.

    Why is it the DNR can’t step in and manage all these waters in/around town and keep them in panfish? Sounds like DNR 101 to me.

    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    Sorry, I spoke too soon. I just looked at the PB and that Northern was caught on Sunday by a different person. I saw the same size fish landed by a guy and his grandson, so I guess he did keep it quiet, or at least out of the paper.

    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    I saw that fish when I was out there on Saturday afternoon and told the group looking at it to keep it quiet. Of course the guy who caught it was pretty excited and you don’t get your picture in the paper everyday with a fish like that, so I don’t know that I can blame him.

    I’m not sure that abandoning the lake all together is the answer. I have talked to a number of people who live out there and they don’t have a problem with the fishing. I think it’s a few loud voices that are against the fishing. On the other hand, if people continue cutting locks, leaving trash and parking illegally the case is not being made for how responsible we will be if allowed to fish there.

    There are places to park, you may have to walk a bit but you probably need to anyhow. You will however need to “trespass” for a few yards. If we all just stop fishing there, there is no issue to resolve.

    just my thoughts………

    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    So after watching said “bonehead/meathead” cut the chain on the gate, I decided to go up and talk to the guy just to the north of the dam. He told me the gate was open last week because someone cut the lock. He told me he likes to fish in the summer and didn’t really seem to have a problem with the people icefishing. He said he had opened the gate at one point but was told by the sheriff he had to lock it, as he was allowing people to trespass. He didn’t seem to have a very good understanding of why the gate needed to be locked, but I think was just following what the sheriff had told him.

    Yes, they were ticketing vehicles parked in front of the gate on Cty 11, so look out. Seems like they probably should as the road is posted now and wasn’t the safest situation.

    Anyhow, we did make it out and caught a few.

    outside Rochester, MN
    Posts: 7

    I was hoping to avoid this question. We met some guys coming off about 2:30, who said they hadn’t caught anything. I was hoping it would pick up towards evening and we did mark fish almost the whole time we were there in 14 fow. I had a couple hits but missed both. It seemed to be picking up around 5-5:30 but we had to leave. As we were walking out there were three guys set up in 11 fow and they had 5 crappies in the bucket and had thrown some back. I think they had only been there about 45″. They were using minnows, we had been using waxies, so I will blame the bait this time.

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