thanks fr the pointer guys!!

Posts: 57
walleye in foster????? how???? think somebody dumped it in or something? i’d like to see that pic for myself..
where at on the zumbro? i dont need the “secret spot” bt if you could give me a landmark that is by it that would be appreaceated. i fished up and down the zumbro river a few days ago with nothing but a carp.
yup, that’s my buddy with his first muskie. Hopefully if my job, the weather, and the fish all cooperate i will be in a picture with a muskie by the time the summer is over with.
happy fishing for all!!! im about to go out for some white bass at fishermans in here pretty soon so i’ll have another report up soon…
nope this is not a tiger muskie. (the easiest way to tell is if the tail fins are rounded they are tiger if they are pointy its a normal muskie) it is just in it’s spotted phase, so that might be why it looks odd.
oh yes just about forgot!!!! this fish WAS released due to it being under 40″ and yes that is a stringer in its mouth but we just had it there because otherwise we were afraid that it would sqwirm out before we got a picture. just clearing that up so people dont jump to comclusions.
while i’ll tell the storie so you guys can have something to go off of until ecnook gets the picture posted for me(thanks for doing that bud )but we got down to Mac’s and both started tossing out mepps #5 spinner (he was using red i was using yellow) and afetr about 5 minuted he decides to switch to a smaller blue fox spinner in a gold size 2. and with in 3 casts he connets with his first muskie!! after fishing that for a while more (and not getting another fish, a couple more strikes though) we went up to fishermans inn for some white bass fishing.
is that stretch shallow or could i fit my 12″ aluminum sea king w/ trolling motor in there? cuz if i could carry the boat down to the water by the bridge and work my way up i could save the money of having to pay at mac’s. but really dont want a hole in my boat.
I’m planning on trying it out down there targeting oike/muskie on tuesday(the only day i have off work next week) so be looking for the report on tuesday night/wensday morning and if i happen to st the hook into on of the big tothies be watching for pictures also!!! best of luck to ya. and if ya tgry it out before me i would love to hear how ya did.
as far as the water clarity im not positive all i can tell you is you can see the fish when they’re coming to the boat, well the flash anyways. i was too busy watching my bobber get pulled under by the bass! action is pretty good right now if you target the weeds and brush along the shore and bobberfish with a crawler. i also hear that the artifial baits are doing well too. all ive caught this year are #’s of fish nothing big but alot of the smaller ones.
yes, the bass fishing out there is prime right now. i did not try any artificial bait, but they were pounding the good ol’ fashion nightcrawler under a bobber over weedbeds.igot about 10 bass in 2 hours on thursday night nothing over 13″ though. i’ll have to try some artificial bait next time i head out there sounds like that works better than crawlers. thanks for the heads-up on what there takin.
sounds like you guys had a realy nice day out on the water. and such a nice gift to get your dad, being with his sons AND fishing i mean what more could he ask for!
thank for the report. I’ll have to check out foster again some time soon, by the way were on te pond are you fishing?, and yes the fish are biting at the flood control area’s, i wnt to willow today and caugt a fair amount of bluegill, and you wont believe wha else i found…….somebody tied some fishing wire to the peir and there was a decent ized bull head on the other end, i’se say probably at least 14″-16″ but i could tell it had been there for a while,, sick looking cut up from the line, so i cut it loose, that crap just bothers me. oh yea they fixed the peir too!!!……. happy fishing
Bll i was using the smallest hook i couldfin tipped it with a wixie and casted out about 6-8 feet from shore and let it fall(with no weights on the line) and they would hit it right when it hit the water. i was fishing on the corner by the dock opposite of were the other entrance is.
im gunna head back out there now, hopefully i’ll connect with atrout this time.
i went out tnight too….didn’t see ya out there where were ya fishing?? anyways i fished for trout for about an hour or so then got bored seeing as i had less than a hit so i switched bait and got about 20-30 sunnies.
i probaly wont go to chester for another cople weeks then bcause i never seem to have any lucky ice fishing chester. musta gone ot 10 times all for a couple hours or more and never caught a single fish.
went out today and the trout were willing for other people. but i couldnt figure out how to keep the power bait on my hook. so i was outa luck
I can’t speak for others but im looking forward to having that extra hour in the evening to fish… the extra hour of fishing, the ice dissapearing….. i can’t wait until i can get out in my boat again and fish for some craps.
thanks for the heads up i might try that after school tomorrow or if that doesnt work im definatlyu gunna be out there on friday!!
is that corner public fishing? me and my freind are planning on going up there on saterday to try and get some craps. and when your on highway 52 when do you turn off to get there and how do you get to the corner that is open?
thanks, that makes scense but i still ponder one thing…. if the resivor has had no stocking then why is the stream coming from it such a good hot spot in the spring/ winter for crappie?? think the fish came all the way from the zumbro??? that a long swin for a fish i would think.
wont see me double dippin’. haha im only gunna drill the minumum that i have to my 8″ mora is vey tiring to drill holes with take about 15 minutes for one hole!!! but i quess its worth it just being out on the ice.
thinking about going out there sunday with some hopes of catching o trout or two. do you know if they stocked the trout yet for the ice fishing tournemenyt or if its still the same ol’ wary fish that im gunna be going after?
Thanks for the report tom. Been wanting to try that place out for some time as it takes just as long to get there as it does to get into town from my house but wasnt sure if it held any number of fish. upon finding this out i’m gunna check this spot out sunday. thanks for sharing. and just wondering i always get freaked out when i have to go next to one of those dam things how thick was the ice next to it did you receive that information? and how far off the bottom were they hitting? thanks for the update
Muskie and northern in lake zumbro…. Ikow were im gunna be going every weekend once the ice melts…… only caught about 10 muskie my whole life. the sure are a fun fish to catch.