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  • Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Squirrel is okay eating, but the last two times I ate it there is something about it that makes me spend most of the night puking.

    Many years later I was going to have minor surgery and the nurse asked me “Are there any foods that you are allergic or sensitive to?”

    “Ummmm… Well, squirrel. But you don’t have to put that down because I’m pretty sure that the hospital doesn’t serve squirrel…” You might be a redneck if you have a hospital wristband that says “Sensitive to squirrel meat” jester

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks Bearcat! A 6 gallon bucket will be on my list!

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks Bearcat. That’s what I wanted to do was to order the combo pack, but the Fooler site was sold out of combos, hole covers, and buckets so I ended up ordering from Scheels to get the Foolers and covers. I’ll look at 6 gal buckets at Farm & Fleet, etc. but would like a small tote, etc. if I can find one. I have my existing bucket set up with rod holders on the outside and carry my fish on the inside of it so not a Fooler-friendly combination and not nestable with another bucket…

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The 7.5qt Engels came in just one day from Scheel’s with free shipping – gotta love Scheel’s!

    Will have to use it to see how it will work out for size, but if it’s too small I’ll maybe do as suggest and use an insulated cup or thermos as an add on – after I mark it BAIT ONLY! smile

    Do you guys use the bait net insert that comes with the coolers? Looks like it could be handy or maybe a nuisance…

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    If they’re genuine Milwaukee batteries that’s a great deal. A lot of counterfeit tool batteries out there so deals through unknown marketplace vendors from amazon, ebay, walmart, etc. make me uneasy with the fire risk that knockoff lithium batteries pose.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    For now I decided to go with the 7.5qt Engel lithium aerator model, but will keep in mind the other options suggested. Thanks for all the information!

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks. So far it sounds like most are in favor of the 7.5qt for walk out fishing. I plan to use the cooler mostly for ice fishing for perch with Rosies and fatheads (not for big suckers, etc.) Haven’t used a bucket with an aerator before – how many minnows will keep in a 7.5 or 13qt Engel?

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Try adding about a 1 inch spacer sleeve on each knob to make up the difference. They’ll stick out slightly more, but you retain the structure and function of the knobs.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Norwest based in MN used to be a great bank before they acquired Wells Fargo who had a reputation for being a POORLY run bank that was based in CA. Rather than Norwest lifting up the bad segment, Wells Fargo dragged down the entire combined company….

    A former customer and former shareholder

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Are they big enough to operate the lever to cock them? Gun safety won’t probably be the best if they have to struggle to operate the gun. Might be better to wait a year.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Haven’t taken the collagen peptides, but use glucosamine chondroitin and have a few other simple tips that may help.

    Taking Advil, etc. helps not only reduce pain, but being an anti-inflammatory it reduces the inflammation that causes damage. Take it BEFORE you are going to do a lot of walking – easier to prevent pain than stop it after it has started.

    Wear snug-fitting shoes/boots with GOOD cushioning. Loose shoes/boots put a huge amount of strain on your joints and good cushioning reduces the impact from walking. If my knee bothers me in the woods I’ll stop and tighten the laces on my boots – makes a BIG difference for me. Try adding Dr. Scholl’s 2X insoles to your shoes or boots.

    Good luck.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    My observation is it’s not so much a “shortage” of vets, as it is a shortage of work ethic. Vets used to have Saturday hours and do after hours emergency care, but now the “Lifestyle Vets” are too busy off enjoying the mega dollars they squeeze out of pet owners. Your pet dies? They get even MORE money with services for a new pet, so sadly, not a lot of motivation for most of them to care…

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The “free”/pirated nfl streams are full of malware and hackers. The pirates put stolen content out there for no charge to lure people in so they can infect their devices with ransomware and to hack their accounts. It’s like hanging out in a bad neighborhood late at night – you might get away with doing it for a while, but sooner or later bad things happen…

    fake news

    get an ad blocker and VPN and they work great. i actually have NFL plus but could not get that to work right and i paid for it so had to watch the pirated streams. Peacock is great and is only like $5 for all sunday night games and others along with a pile of great shows on demand

    Staying away from the pirate streamed nfl sites was my opinion before and October’s Consumer Reports also warned to stay away from them. The pirates that are capable of stealing content from the nfl are more than capable of bypassing ad blockers and vpn’s – there are also some vpn’s produced by hackers so be careful what vpn you use… Bottom line – connecting to sites for stolen content is not a good idea.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crawdaddy wrote:</div>
    Easy to watch free on the web.

    Reddit nfl streams

    What sub Reddit are you using? Looks like nfl streams has been banned from Reddit. Looking for links to watch games like last night

    The “free”/pirated nfl streams are full of malware and hackers. The pirates put stolen content out there for no charge to lure people in so they can infect their devices with ransomware and to hack their accounts. It’s like hanging out in a bad neighborhood late at night – you might get away with doing it for a while, but sooner or later bad things happen…

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Looking forward to the Packers “Season Opener” aka Week 2.

    I will not be extorted by the nfl’s billionaire team owners to watch subscription streamed games.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks 3Rivers for the videos and info.

    Maybe a question for your contact at Mr. Heater – can the plastic sleaves be replaced? It’s concerning that yours are already getting loose from a minimal amount of use…

    Seemed odd that the torch didn’t work that well with this – have to wonder how they work on Coleman lanterns and stoves?

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks Dave! The site seems much faster today.

    Not sure how the search function operates on the site, but that can be a HUGE resource hog on databases – maybe eliminate that and encourage people to use Google, etc. to search the site.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Glass lens are WAY more scratch resistant. Disposable plastic glasses/goggles are lighter and adequate for light debris and defense against spray paint, etc. but buy several and view them as throw aways.

    NEVER use paper towels or tissues to wipe any lens – it will scratch the lens. Like has been said, clean them under water and add a drop of dish soap if they’re greasy then wipe with a cloth.

    Get different glasses for different uses. Wrap-around polycarb sunglasses are fine for mowing, but get dedicated safety glasses for grinding, using wire brush wheels, and drilling, etc. Sparks and broken wheels from grinding, wire that sheds from wire wheels, and drill chips or broken drill bits all can make for a very bad day…

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    It forgets my login and slow loads/locks up regularly.

    With the login issue it sometimes helps if I click a different heading or section for it to remember.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    I purchased a larger T handled allen wrench. Make it much easier to use and not lose.

    Good idea – a “hex key wrench set” that looks like a Swiss army knife is another “less likely to be lost” option.

    The allen wrench size for Flame Kings is .080 so either a 5/64″ or 2mm wrench works.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Diamondback covers have tiedown cleats on the sides if something like that would fit on your cover. But am guessing your cover wasn’t designed to carry cargo on top? Besides the shelter’s weight you would also have pressure from strapping it down, so be sure that whatever you do doesn’t cave the cover.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    There are a lot of great noodle rods available so it’s a matter of matching your specific lure size/type you plan to use the rod for that will make one of them “the best” for you.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Have a newer legend thermal. Seat has to come out to fit under cover not a big deal for me. Love the width and weight of the legend for solo early ice. Can’t stand a typical narrow one man.
    Not a great time to be looking for a deal and like everything else yes they are pricey.

    Looking at the Legend XT for a light to pull shelter that is big enough for me at 6’4 that I don’t feel like I’m wrapped in a tortilla. How much of a hassle is taking the seat out for it to fit under a truck cover?

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    I don’t go by the on battery status indicator on my Norsk 15 amp to judge if it is at full charge. I leave it on the charger until the charger light turns green. Maybe let the battery sit for a week and check the voltage or hook it up to the charger to see how long it charges. Call Norsk again if it dropped more than you think it should.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    No need for sand bags – keep your gas tank at 1/2 to full. BIG improvement over running with a near empty tank and no sand bags, etc. taking up space in your truck bed.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The “Project Farm” channel on YouTube tested different aspects of safety boots – could help narrow your search for what boots match your needs.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Try spraying the ignition switch tumblers with WD-40. If no change, it needs either a new ignition switch, or the linkage to the switch is loose/bad. Best to park it until fixed or it WILL strand you somewhere soon from your description.

    Good luck.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Besides the fact that Mike says they are a no go for well water, I’d have to believe in reincarnation for both me and the water heater to come close to breaking even with a tankless heater.

    The only gas appliances I have are the furnace and water heater. I pay more for “Customer Charges” and other bs fees on the gas bill in summer than I do for the gas. With no furnace use in the summer, the actual gas costs about $6 a month to run the water heater – and that’s a full time pilot light, chimney vent style.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Just about every new home is like that with the floor drains.

    Are you on well water Dan? Well water in my area can prolong the life of the water heaters. The city water just to the south of us eats them up much faster.

    If you are on well water talk to the plumber about changing out the anode rod on the new water heater so you don’t get rotten egg smelling hot water.

    I don’t see many water heaters that really let loose but it does happen. Keep an eye on it.

    Thanks Mike. It’s well water with iron and lime/calcium in it, but haven’t had a problem with rotten egg smells – or can that be caused by the anode rods in new water heaters?

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