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  • BMarshall17
    Posts: 36

    I’d listen to Grant! He’s smart

    As to where you should be set up, I think is a guessing game most of the time, if it is a pretty feature-less lake. I’ve gone out probly 40-50 times this year fishing in water as shallow as 5 feet and usually just pick any ol spot. Some days you get skunked some days you pull in some nice fish. you just gotta put in your time. And if you can find deep water I would find the closest sharp break there is and fish the deep during the day then hop up to the shallow about an hour before sun-down. This is just what has been succesful for me.

    Good luck and happy fishing!

    Posts: 36

    I wouldnt want to be any other place in Minnesota when it comes to fishing! Great variety of species to target on the big lake, also some pretty ative bites in the harbor and river. Caught this beautiful walleye just the other day! Also if you head inland there are a lot of smaller lakes that provide hot bites for just about any angler!

    Hope to see you out there soon and happy fishing!

    Posts: 36

    I have had mine for 2 years and just figured that out about a month ago, ha just be glad you figured it out right away. I was an idiot for over a year… ha

    Posts: 36

    There’s always going to be something small that they change every year, but with how far they pushed it this year with the full thermal, I doubt there will be any changes that will be worth the extra money. Go with the deal! Always! Unless of course you got the money to blow… Then I would buy a new one every year!! ha

    Posts: 36

    Nice work! Persistence pays off all the time!!

    Posts: 36



    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how soon will the sweatshirts be restocked? Great site and show!

    We should have availability info to share by the end of the week. Welcome to IDO!

    Nice!! Love the new and improved logo!! Can’t wait to get my hands on one of those badass hoodies!!

    Posts: 36

    Very nice! What a beast!! Congrats man!!

    Posts: 36

    Read the specs online and it should be easy to see that Marcum offers a lot more! Most of my friends have the FL-8 and they are all jealous of the botom zoom and bright colors on my VX-1 and they all said there next flasher will definently be a Marcum!! And the only way I will get rid of mine will be when I upgrade to the digital series by Marcum!!

    One other thing Vexilar always has iterference when near other flashers, Marcum has none…

    Posts: 36

    This is very common, and I agree with a couple others here. This weekend I did a lot of pan fishing and I must have went through my whole takle box changing colers and types of bait. Thats just what it takes some days, but doing this is going to help very little if you cant see the bite. Even with the most sensitive rod sometimes it is imposible to feel a bite! This is why I use a noodle rod with a very touchy and visible tip, even the slightest of nibbles show up on these types of rods, you just have to know when to stop looking at your flasher and look at your rod tip! A spring bobber is another trick to noticing these bites. Also remember most jigs will start to spin when you stop jiging them, the fish dont like this… so when they come up to the bait keep a very slight jiggle in the rod! Hope this helps.

    Happy Fishing

    Posts: 36

    Man that sucks that theres still “those” people out there!!

    topper with a lock, cheap insurence…

    Posts: 36

    Thanks guys! ha yeah I will work on the smile…

    Posts: 36

    Hey James, get up here to Duluth and do another show with Grant! The walleye bite is hot!

    Posts: 36

    They are a baggy fit, I am 6’0 180 and wear the XL but could have definently went with just the L. They pretty much just get bigger width wise so they won’t be super long if you go with the XXL which is what I would suggest for you. They also have a ton of adjustability so you can make them fit your needs! If you do like a snug fit though you could do just the XL but it’s always nice to have a little extra room!

    Posts: 36

    I would highly suggest the Strikemaster bibs!!! I’ve had mine for 2 years now and if I ever have to buy a new pair (which I probably will not) I would buy the same exact pair! Check them out online, they are $150 and definently comparable to the $350 Snosuit bibs! You do the math… and if you find an event that Skrikemaster is at you might even find them for half off.. I did! CHECK THEM OUT!

    Posts: 36

    Give Thorne Bros a call up in Blane, they usually have a plentiful stock!

    Posts: 36

    Good luck! Im still a virgin but Jan. 17 I will become a man! ha.. Post some pics!

    Posts: 36

    If you are looking for a quick, cheap, and convenient way to look at lake structures, and you also own a smart phone, I would suggest downloading an app called Back Country Navigator! It is only $10. It isn’t the best but it will definentely get you on the spots you want to be on while you are looking for that 400-500 dollar GPS. I use it ever time i go out. Try it!

    Posts: 36

    Haven’t tried anything over a 28″ yet. I just ordered a 32″ perch sweetheart from Thorne Bros for in my Otter house, and a 36″ for hole hopping outside. From what I’ve heard, I won’t be disappointed! Can’t wait to get the call to go pick them up!

    Posts: 36

    I knew you would find some ice down there Grant, being the extreme angler that you are! Sometimes a little crazy, but hey sometimes crazy pays off!

    Posts: 36

    Sounds good boss, gimmy a buzz when you get back up here!

    Posts: 36

    Thanks for all the input guys! I ended up going with the Cabin! Very glad i did, love it!

    Posts: 36

    Ive always thought about braid but never tried it… can it be used all the time, or is there a time when mono is beter…? i know mono has more strech but do see why you would want stretch… Also would you use a leader with the braid?

    Posts: 36

    I didnt even know there was ice down there yet, Nice! The camera looks fun. Im thinking about purchasing a Buddie soon, what size house do you use it in…an how long can it run on one of those small tanks..? Thanks

    Posts: 36

    Red Door Resort! Went there for the first time last year, and would definently go back!! We caught our limit every day, not including all the hogs we caught also!

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