I always used a rubber coated 3 pronged 35LB. anchor on wing dams and
it held in even the strongest currents that I wanted to fish.
August 4, 2018 at 2:45 pm
I always used a rubber coated 3 pronged 35LB. anchor on wing dams and
it held in even the strongest currents that I wanted to fish.
Within the last couple of days those tree rats ate my cabbage and broccoli to the ground.Had to be them the garden is fenced and there are plenty of squirrels in the back yard.
Forest is running faster with every post I read.
Thanks to all of you
basecampleasing.com has 1 property in grant county and 1 in chippewa county. Hope this helps.
1’st shotgun season ends here today,I will be trying nose jammer tomorrow night for the 1’st time and I will use it through the rest of the archery season. Especially in a timber I hunt that is very hard to get in without being winded.
Hunting down by the creek bed got me a doe yesterday morning,now it’s rack time .
You might want to check this out.
Back in those days I didn’t have two nickels to rub together. I do now that I’ve worked hard and created a career for myself and I can afford to fuel the vehicles I bought to drive to work the distance I need to.
Amazing how Ya can have life by the
and then the next minute the good times are sripped away from Ya.
I here what your saying Brian.
There’s more to life than constantly 8itching about gas prices. I’m bored with this type of post!ET
Congrats on the successfull career!
It took you longer to respond then it did to read it. Why not just click out if it’s not to your liking?
Thanks for the tips John,good tohere from you.Congrats on the new boat.
Reverend, yes it is on the Pec. and the the spot that I heard about for years is a spot that I haven’t ever made it down river far enough to checkout so I’m not exactly sure what the depth and structure might be there,except that it’s supposed to have a fairly sandy bottom.I remember my dad telling me that there used to be an old dam down there he said they used to go down there swimming when he was a kid and it had a real sandy bottom like a beach. I was supposed to go with my buddy on Sat. but found out he has to work.I was hoping we could use his boat because I don’t know if mine would be to big to get in and out of te river.I was thinking about using a 3-way rig if I can find away to go and I love to cast and pitch jigs thanks for the great idea. If I knew I could get my boat in and out ok I would like to try some vertical jigging to.
That is some very good information ct. Thank You very much .Anyone else willing to share there approach on this subject will surely be appreciated.
Rick ,
Made it over to pool 13 Sat. morning and had to dodge the lightning bolts.Water muddied up quick and went pretty much biteless most of the day. Hoping the fall is a much better bite.
Those are some quality slabs Jeff.I was planning on trying pool 12 for some walleyes and crappies on Saturday but now you got me thinking about trying pool 13 up in CS.I haven’t been on the river for 3 months,is there still that much current and were you using any meat or bare jig?
I would definately run a can of Sea Foam through it 1’st before I tried anythind else and see if there was any improvement and probably a new sparkplug.
Lets see Rick. Jigging, rigging, pitching, dragging jigs and casting. Plastic,meat,blades and dynamite. What more can I say. We worked very hard for the fish we boated. But fishing with John is always hard work
All kidding’ aside,you couldn’t ask for a better guy to fish with.
Thanks Trigger.
I thought John always brang along the dynamite just for me . It looks like you guys had some tough conditions but did manage a few nice fish, I was figuring that you were probably 3- waying with some big lead according to the flow but guess I was wrong. Yea Johns a stand up guy.
Those are some quality looking fish John and Tony.What was the go to presentation. I think I see a smile under that mustache John
Thanks guys for all the sugestions,this is a narrow timber probably 100 yards wide and 200 yards long and my stand was 10 yards from the property line on the north end and thats where he came from was the north behind me. So I can’t get any closer to that fenceline. But I’m pretyy sure I know where he was heading to and that was south into a bedding area not to far away I’ve got a spot picked out to put aclimber in after I sit Sat.morning in another stand just to see if he comes in and that stand is about 30 yards away from the stand I got busted in but I think it’s to far out of the way for where this big boy was heading. Thats why I think I’ll put up my climber in this other location about 30 yards farther in and to the east not the west like my other stand.