Exactly Dean. Don’t ever try a super doo on a drop shot rig.

Posts: 439
Dean Marshall turned to on to flukes about a dozen years ago. Been my go to bait ever since. I mainly drop shot them. Work year around. Been getting mine from Lunker City. Good action but biggest thing is color selection.
That varies. I usually start at about a foot and adjust from there. Sometimes as little as 6 inches and have gone up to 2 ft.
I’ve been having real good luck with the drop shot in weeds. I use flukes in different sizes and colors and any opening in the weeds I fish. It’s a slow process but the results can be amazing. Don’t like to promote any specific lures but have been doing really well with 3 inch black ribsters this year. If you watch the action of them it looks a lot like a leech. Biggest thing I had to overcome was putting to much action in them. Just small twitches of rod is all you need. Another idea and good luck.
Pool 5a had about 38 today. Did decent last Sat. and Monday. Slow bite today. Talked to a lot of boats and they all said the same. Flow is a lot stronger than last week and water is lot muddier. Goog luck.
A-men Mark. Ive been burning wood all my life. 66 years. Sure I live in the country but I have farmers calling me to clean up downed trees. Have to turn better than half down, more than I can use.
Was there for 2 tours 2 /1 1ST. Marines recon. Got off the plane in Mpls. and a guy spit at me. Guy behind me picked him by his throat and slamed him on the wall. To this day I think it was Jessie Ventier.SP.
Lot of sunfish and crappies. Most small but there are some decent ones if you work for them. Not a bass fisherman but seem to be a lot. Walleyes, some but don’t a lot. Fun lake to fish if you just want to go out and enjoy a day. Lake was dredged and there are some amazing drop offs. Can drop 20 ft.straight down.
I’ve always bought them at FF. Stopped last weekend in Winona and didn’t see any. Asked and told me to check in discount area. I must be the only one that buys them. Had them priced at 1.50 for 2. Bought all they had.
Found enough little grays for a taste teaser. Need some warmth. Woods are plenty damp. I’m about 20 miles s.e. of Rochester.
Got to agree. If your going to be there awhile, replace. Been doing this work for 40 years and have yet to see any patch material that will hold for any length of time. If it sank it has a bad bed under it or getting a lot of water.
I find it strange that rendering com. won’t take them. We’ve had to put down 3 horses over the last 6 years and they were always picked up. I guess its been a year and a half since the last one. Vet. always contacted rendering company for us and they were here within a couple hours. It cost us 125$ though. Wonder if laws have been changed?
Yea, 40 years ago. She’s pretty good about stuff but I picked up a new depth finder last fall and just got a new legend elite.
Check up by dam at Winona. At 7 this morning there was just one piece of ice by landing and it was moving down stream. Going to try there in morning and if not Alma is open
Live 8 miles SE of Chatfield. It is just booming and lighting flashes. Yea the snow is really coming down. Glad I was able to get to Red Wing yesterday, from looks of weather its going to be awhile.
We were up there and it was packed at the scour hole. Didn’t look like you could get another boat in there. Never got close enough to see if they were catching much. Stayed down stream-2 of us ended up with 9 eyes between 15-18 inches. Let one go that was 22 inches. Great day to be out. We were dragging moxies and pulse’r in 12-22 ft. of water. Didn’t really see any color that stood out.
Yep, just got shed open so can get boat out. Heading for Evert’s tomorrow morning. Sound like its supposed to be decent tomorrow.
Haven’t been able to get out myself, bad back. Stopped last Friday and talked to couple guys coming off. They had a bunch of sunfish. Not real big but were eaters. They just walked out about 50 yards from the landing.Might try and get down today. Will be in a red Jimmy and small black flip over. Be toward end of lake. Stop by. Will let you know if doing anything. Won’t be far from shore as I can’t walk too far yet but got to get out. Been housebound for 2 weeks and going nuts.
Same age. Thanks. Made me look a little a smarter. Went out and checked first. It’s there. Had a family get to gather tonight and I showed it to my smart a. son in law, one I have to call when I have trouble on pc. He knows everything but that one got him. Feel so good I might have another drink.
Last time Mn. beat Neb. was 1960. I was 10. Do I remember the game, No. Think I was bullhead fishing. First game I watched all year and it was great. Got to agree, Neb. was way over rated but still great to see Gophers win a game against a big name school.
We also heard that a couple years ago. Gave it a try. Worked for a whole 10 seconds. Kind of think listerine put it out to boost there sales.
Yep, out on it today. Lot of 4-7 inch sunfish and a few med. crappies. Had some work done on motor and was making sure everything was ok. Didn’t want to get in current and have problems.
Figured that, just wondering where. Do a lot of fishing there.Maybe have to move to different area till they get done.Thanks
Live by Trout Run creek and it doesn’t look bad. Little bit high and muddy but should be good to go by this weekend.
Don’t let it get you down. I’m 63 and have been fishing the river for as long as I can remember. Every day is a learning curve. One of the best things I ever learned is that fishing is like sex. When it’s good it’s good, when it’s bad it’s still good. Hang in there.