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  • AGM
    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    My wifes dad has one i’m not impresed with it;the bags are expensive and he gets freezer burn.I think the only way to freeze fish is to put it into a freezer zip lock fill with water and zip shut eliminating any air pockets leaving a little room for expantion.My fish that we do this way taste like the day ya caught’em.”Thats all i got to say about that” Forest Gump.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    This winter my Icearmor finger gloves I used them to scoop the ice out of my holes after drilling in my shack throwing the ice out of the hole up under the shack and the were as dry as a popcorn fart unless I went past the top of the glove. I’ve tryed those neopreme gloves and my hands freeze in them and the seams come apart.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Art’s Snowmobbile salvage1-715-288-6863
    good luck

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I have no choice but to agree,Berkley.Think it costs around $20 had mine for five years,also came with spool ripper/hook sharpener.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I would guess there are as many ways to fish blade baits as there is to fish a jig.Hopefully some others will jump in tell us how they fish blade baits.How I fish them is floating down stream vertical jigging them.The key to this presnetation is to never drop your rod tip any faster than your blade will fall.This will enable you to feel the strike, it happens alot on the drop,suspose it’s easyer to suck in at that time.Usually every time I drop my blade I touch bottom making sure to maintain bottom contact,keeping it in the fish zone.As far as moving the blade I have the best luck just touching bottom then holding about two inches off bottom,other wise you can lift at diffrent speeds depending on the mood of the fish.Good luck

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    There alot of pros and cons between the two.I have owned both in the last two years,I saved money and purchiced the Aquaview after a week I was disgusted with that becuse my buddy has a Marcum I was able to compare the two.The Marcum has alot better optics and if you fish in dirty or stained waterthere is a big diffrence.The Marcums camera turnes inside the housing so there is no bending over to spin the cable just a press of the button and walla ,it also has a panaramic button with three speeds it will look 360 degrees around at your speed setting. A good Marcum VS 560 is expencive but how do you put a price tag on preformance.I don’t like to advertise this but last week by mistake yours truely pluged in the wrong charger into my camara and fryed it ,called Marcum told them what happened and the customer service said they would stand behind my mistake. “Thats all I got to say about that” sorry watched Forrest Gump last night.


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Some have a 1″x1″plastic box on a fuse pannel called a blinker relay that makes the blinker blink.Thats my 2 cents.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Hay this looks and sounds like a fishermans dream of a weekend.I have partipitated in the ARM event the last two years,wouldn’t miss it.Also looking forward to James Holst seminar,he is truely a gifted teacher.Everts is a great place to hold this event,in my opinion it is one of the only fishing encampments left around these parts.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Congrats Jim that is a real beauty, most folks will not ever catch a walleye that big.
    We were out today after a long absence from open water. Alot has changed for our boat since last late fall for one the water clarity is unbelieveable, when my partner was reeling in a fish I wanted to net it as soon as I saw it but that was a problem becuse the fish was still about eight feet down. Today live bait was a must the old jig and minnow combo still has it’s time and place. My partner figured that one out after I had tried every size shape and color of plastics so I had a large helping of humble pie, not so bad every once and a while.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I’ve had the best luck with a 1/2 gallon red colmen screw on lid thermos.It is leak proof doesn’t freeze,only draw back is the screw on lid has a tendency to want to freeze on.If ya got vice grip hands it’s not a problem.I also use a small lunch type cooler,water doesn’t freeze but it’s hard to find one that when tiped over it doesn’t leak.I’m always looking for a way to build a better mouse trap too.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Marcum LX-5 has two built in transducers 20 degree and 8 degree adjustable zoom and twice the power,and i’m sure I forgot somthing. GLASSMAN

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Same hole. Glassman

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I’m in.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I’m in.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I’m in.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    We use a grinder to make 3 pound summer sausage sticks ,we found it key to remove the knife and put in the stuffing star that way if you put high tempature cheese ,it stays whole.When it comes to stuffers we have used grandpa’s old ‘Choprite’ (castiron)or any vertical one.The trick we found with stuffers is the smaller the casing, like for snack sticks the more cold water we add to the meat so it passes through the stuffer into the casing without blowing the seal on the stuffer. Those 3-5 lb.stuffers look like they would do a fine job at a fair price.I got my 20 lb.vertical in the bargin cave at Cabela’s after sausage season.I have a one year old 20lb.stainless steel mixer I purchiced for $125.00 yours today for $75.00.We have seven of us that do our venison sausage together every year and every time we try something new.Happy meat making!GLASSMAN

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    James;Sounds like a hoot. Once you’ve been bitten by the fishing bug it’s all over.When I was nine years old a local gentlemen took my dad and myself out fishing, I don’t remember alot from around that age ;but I will never forget that day of fishing!Put me on the list!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Great post Briank ,you have the gift of being able to tell agreat story,Thank You!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    YES!There are many reasons I love ice fishing.It’s nice to get all bundled up and go sit on a bucket,no boat control,no break to stay on.Vertical jigging is one of my favorite ways to fish,I feel ya have alot more contact with the fish.As far as long poles go never tryed one on the ice,but saw someone use a long pole and wondered how well it worked.Hope we have a long cold winter IceJohn!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    I had a Ford once and couldn’t get the grease gun on the zert .I was told the U-joint was put in backwards.There is a thing think it’s called a pencil atachment that goes onto the end of your grease gun,the tip narrows down to the size of the little ball that is on your grease zert and ya just keep preasure on it and pump the grease.You can get that atachmend at any auto parts store.Good luck!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Blackduck;I just started making hair jigs last year so some of this is still fresh in my mind.There are lots of places to get the equieptment.What I do to get lead is take old tire wheel weights and melt them down on my turkey cooker in a old dutch oven.When they turn to liquid after heating you take a straining spoon and strain out all the met clamp pieces.Then ya got to get a regular metal spoon while still heating and skim the surfice zink out becuse the zink will float on top.When ya get done all ya got left is lead,then grab a cup cake tin and pour your lead into little useable pucks,be vevy sure your out side and don’t breath down wind of burner,it’s very toxic.Now you got lead for free. The best place to get molds is”” they got’em all or Fleetfarm,gander,cabelas, has mostly every thing ya need but be sure to check out that they got a few diffrent items.As far as a lead pourer if your going to do any amount get a “Lee production pot 1v” Stamina has that $59.95.Last thing I would recomend is powder paints rather than regular dip paint they are more durable and easyer to use with less mess.You can put hair on any jig even if it’s got a skirt for plastics or live bait; all I do is cut it off with a Gate shears.This has been my personal expearance with jig making hope it helps.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Mike;I also had the same exact expearance,thought it was some thing I was doing.Ended up taking them back to Cabela’s and getting the 27’s next size up ,their a little more bulky but will more than likely last longer. Thats all I got to say about that. Glassman

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Gary,I have been having the same problem,so I called BERKLEY at 1-800-237-5539 and they said they still sell it.The lady on the phone told me that a guy could order it dirrectly from them.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Bear: I was out in that area Wensday and their was not much grass in the water.There was a couple places I tryed you couldn’t let your crankbait touch bottom oterwise it was full of grass and leaves. Water clarity wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,figure it was about 1 1/2 ft.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Walleye 1274,I have had a ‘Anglers Best’ for one year came in a green case and the knife is green and yellow.It has cleaned quit a few eyes and never needed sharpning.My friend had one like mine; but over charged it and fried the battery Another friend has one with a cord and we cleaned some fish with it; seemed to work just as well except for all the fish slime that ended up on the cord.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Hey Chad, I got a cordless knife also and was kinda leary about it at first.I’ve been running it for one year now and am still impressed.One time we cleaned twenty-three eyes in fourty-five minutes so you can spend mor time fishing,and less cleaning fish. The blades are serrated and should’t ever need sharping.We also use it to cut the Thanks giving day turkey.Happy shopping !

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Fish,Fish,Fish; one hawg please!

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