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  • 8pter
    Posts: 4

    Horns will make people do stupid stuff. People losing touch with “the hunt” in my opinion.

    Posts: 4

    I hunt in SE Mn and feel that APR is working. Lets be honest, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why. You are giving the bucks that don’t have 4 pts on one side a chance to do so. I don’t care how old they are.
    I am not a fan of just doing the APR in just SE MN. I think if you look at where the most boone and crocket whitetail deer come from in MN it isn’t from SE MN. Its from St. Louis County. I just saw it in a recent Outdoor news. Why not do it state wide?? I would argue that there are more big deer in other parts of the state than in SE MN. Where was that monster shot by that 12 yr old?? Not even close to SE MN. Small group of people that got it pushed through in my opinion and good for them. There are more bucks down there than in the past. Notice I didn’t say bigger bucks or more trophy bucks. This WILL NOT grow bigger bucks. You can’t change genetics through APR!!! I’m done with that point.
    On to my next. My fear is that people that hunt in SE MN and are so called “trophy hunters” are starting to lose touch with “the hunt.” I rattled and grunted a nice 8 pt this year in SE MN and shot him at 6 yrds after he came in smelling some scent I put down. Some would say that he wasn’t a trophy. Well I can tell you right now that it was a trophy to me and is the most memorable buck and most enjoyable buck I have ever shot. Its a trophy to me so lets curb the “trophy class” deer talk. I’m tired of it. I enjoy the hunt. Your trophy is a trophy in your eyes because its in YOUR eyes. Not someone elses. I grew up in SE MN and still hunt down there at least 4 days every October. I’m considering not hunting next year because I’m sick of the mentality that if you don’t shoot a 150″ 5.5 yr old then it just isn’t a good buck. Whatever. I am super happy for anyone to harvest an animal that hey are proud of.
    Instead of APR, lets do a couple of things. First move back the season state wide!! Second, only one season state wide. Third, no cross tagging bucks. Fourth, lottery for out of state buck tags. Those things I feel would help out as much as APR does.
    This is my first post on IDO and I enjoy reading everyones opinions. This has really gotten me fired up over the past 2 months. I hope I’m not offending anyone, whether “trophy hunter” or “meat hunter”. That’s not my point. I think we should all respect the different reasons why we hunt. Rack hunters hunt for different reasons than meat hunters and neither is right or wrong. I personally go hunting for the hunt. Not for the horns, or the meat.
    I think if we all look deep down, this is why we all hunt.

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