Hi, I’m located in Saskatchewan. Elevation here is 1870 above sea level. I have a 2013 wx2190 with a Yamaha 300 4 stroke, 9.9 kicker. I think it was the first year this boat came out. I have the factory Saltwater prop that came with the boat. I think its a 20 or 21 pitch, 3 blade. I have a hydralic jackplate installed at the factory. with my jackplate setting at 11, I have no problem taking off( a little slower) and I can move up the motor to 15 and cruise. Loaded with 2,3 or 4 including myself I have no problem running 57mph and that include all the tackle and a full tank of fuel. One guy plus myself, tackle and a full tank, I can run 57-60mph. With jus myself, no tackle and full tank of fuel I can run around 60-63mph. I have tride the tempest 4 blade 23 pitch and saw that the boat was more loose in the steering and did not gain any perforancve at all. I also have a Tempest 3 blade that I am going to try this coming year. My friend has the exact same boat but with Merc Racing 300 pro xs. His top speed is 52-54 no matter what elevation he goes. i have had mine to Fort Peck and elevation there is 2067 above sea level. My top speed stayed the same. I have noticed that the 2013 wx seems like the fastest boat compared to the later models with the same engine. Another friend of mine bought a 2016 Skeeter wx 2190 with a Yamaha 300 4 stroke and he had it beside mine and his top speed was 53-54 mph with a aftermarket prop. He had the factory prop and his top speed was around the 51-52mph. I’m thinking that the elevation you are at has a lot to do with the top end speed.

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