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  • 1775prov
    Posts: 7

    If I was buying an auto loader for my kid, I would make sure it is a gas operating system.
    I have had many auto loaders,and like them all,but the recoil ejection system used by Bennelli in the Black Eagle model is not something I would ask my kids to use.

    Posts: 7


    Former hardcore duck hunter????

    I layed the guns down 5 years ago, my old gear is spread out from here to ND. Turned most of it over to the young turks.
    I hope they will be enjoying it this weekend.

    Posts: 7


    As a former hardcore duck hunter, I aways bought the fastest steel loads on the market. 3.0″ #3’s were aways my choice loads. They killed ducks, and geese, as long as they were decoying.

    Pass shooting was the only time i would bump up to 3.5″ BB for geese,I never liked the long range pattern that you GET with BBB.

    And Kents when they first came out were my choice loads, I will tell you though I do not like the noise of firing the 3.5 Kent loads.

    Posts: 7

    Hi Guys,

    I maybe a little late in the game here, but I have also started working out this year. I have let myself go to far, I just hopes it’s not too late to recover

    I can tell I have lost some wieght already, the pants are a little loose again so thats a start.

    Keeping it moving forward will be the hardest for me.

    I might just get on a scale and check it out after reading this.

    My end goal is to pick up where I left off in waterfowl hunting again.

    Posts: 7

    My wife and I were just discussing taking a trip to North Dakota to try and witness the spring snow goose migration.

    I used to hunt waterfowl religously but have never seen anything like that.
    So after seeing those photos, I wouuld like to ask you if there is a way to track the migration and put ourselves in a position where we could see it.

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