Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet

  • Andrew Byers
    Allegan, MI
    Posts: 107

    Hey guys/gals, i was wondering if anyone was interested in hosting a meet-n-greet? i would be willing to host one on the Saginaw Bay here in MI if we had people near by that could attend. Since we are all scattered across the North US maybe we could have a few members host an event in their neck of the woods. Please let me know who is interested and who would be willing to host. I know i may be one of the few in my area, but it was worth a try. I look forward to hearing from everyone. In the meantime, be safe and hope for ice soon!

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    It would be awesome to meet others as well. I’m in the Ice Cube shack. I fish the St. Croix river often just out of Bayport MN. Anyone can stop by and say hi. I don’t catch enough fish anyways.

    Andrew Byers
    Allegan, MI
    Posts: 107

    We were able to make it out on the ice for about two weeks here where i live. I have been traveling north to find ice. Really wish i lived in MN sometimes. What a terrible ice season. Maybe next year we can do something and maybe more of the members will be more involved. ;)

    Andrew Byers
    Allegan, MI
    Posts: 107

    The last two seasons have been a bust for me and my area. This year should have the ice we were hoping for. With that being said, maybe this is the year for a meet n greet camp out. post ideas if anyone has them.

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