Zero Turn Mower Questions?

  • John Garner
    Posts: 1

    So I’m looking to buy a zero turn mower to mow 3 acres of uneven ground with holes. I have about 4500 to spend. I think I’ve decided to buy used commercial instead of new and would like a bag system. I found a 2006 hustler mini z with the Honda 21hp motor and a bag vac dump from seat system. It has 150 hrs. Is this still a good mower despite its age? Or would I be better off buying newer residential?

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Not at all familiar with the model you are asking about. 150 hours isn’t even a break-in for a true commercial mower. That is an older one you want to check on parts availability. There are now a lot of mowers being marketed as commercial that really aren’t.

    Ten times that many hours in a recent commercial mower with good maintenance is still low. Keep in mind one of the more expensive service parts on a mower like this is the hydrostatic drives (2). 150 hours is nothing, but ya want to make sure those are right and what is the service on them in the future.

    My commercial mower bought new last year- the bagger system was like $2500 alone. There are some pretty nice “heavy” residential mowers called commercial out there new, but with a bagger you won’t get one of them, my two cents anyway.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Only 150 hours on a 2006? Was it owned by a little old lady who only drove it to church to mow the lawn? That works out to just over 10 hours per year! Crazy. I put way more hours on my mower to mow a simple 100 X 150 surburban lot than that machine has on it.

    Either it was owned by somebody with a very small lawn, it was mothballed for some reason, or ….

    I’d be very, very careful because something might be rotten in this deal. Does the machine LOOK like it has been used only 10 hours per year? There are telltale signs of hours on a machine that can’t really be covered up once the machine hits a few hundred hours things are going to look worn.

    I’d want a solid explanation for the low hours and even then I’d want the machine to show wear that equates to that few hours.


    frank z
    Posts: 34

    i have a new john deere z525e with power bagger won at prescott fire raffle last sep.48 inch located 9 mi south of precott 4200 they sell for around 5200 with power bagger

    Posts: 4800

    Check out gravely. You can get a ZT HD 52 or 60 for around that price new with warranty. They are a hell of a machine and heavy duty. Most of them have Kawasaki engines. Many companies run the zt hd line in commercial use

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