Just received an email stating YouTube tv is going up from $50 to $64.99 a month!
Running out of options these days if you want the fsn channel
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Just received an email stating YouTube tv is going up from $50 to $64.99 a month!
Running out of options these days if you want the fsn channel
The big networks are putting the screws to the the streaming tv providers. If you want fox networks, you’re gonna pay.
I got Sling because I could get FSN with it. They took FSN off a while back so Sling isn’t quite as attractive to me anymore. It does still have the Outdoor channel but I might just cancel sling.
Fortunately, a lot of the fishing shows I used to watch on FSN are getting posted to YouTube for free now.
Youtube TV is approaching the price we paid for satellite basic package in the past which had all I needed. At the current price I don’t see myself signing up for Youtube TV.
I thought with all the different cord cutting providers entering the game it would drive the price down but that doesn’t seem to be happening.
Dang. We’ve been thinking about cutting the cord lately and that was one of the options we were seriously considering. Still cheaper than the $170 we pay for cable and internet with the devil provider.
My DTV went from $213 to $143 a month and I was happy. Maybe I shouldn’t be. Man $64.99 a month would be nice but I do like what I have so I guess I cant complain.
Doesn’t FSN have its own app? What does that cost?
They do but you have to log on through your provider to use it.
You’re not going to have major sports in 2020 anyway.
Cut it all for now and subscribe later.
Play hardball with DirectTV. In a crowded market, they have a lot of leeway. I pay $75/mo for a pile of channels and the picture is significantly better than when I had YouTubeTV.
Play hardball with DirectTV. In a crowded market, they have a lot of leeway. I pay $75/mo for a pile of channels and the picture is significantly better than when I had YouTubeTV.
I always find it amazing that we as the consumer have to go begging them for a better rate to remain a customer. It seems they would be further ahead to send out coupons worth X amount off our next bill then to continually gouge us until we complain or leave.
But when you are a behemoth like AT&T & Directv or the only game in town like Sirius / XM I guess customer service isn’t high on the list or priorities.
Yes I was not happy especially most of the people who migrated did it for sports and guess what with covid there went the sports. I’m pausing my subscription until something good as far as sports come back on. You can pause your subscription for 6 months. Executives should be slapped, subscriptions go up with the covid and sports go down I got an idea lets increase the price. Then they give us these 8 channels they added that I am guessing most of us could care less about.
you can stream any game on the planet and cast it to a tv for FREE just using the internet and a chromecast. Or watch it from your desktop. been doing it for 5-8 years. the small hassle has saved me thousands. free UFC PPV, Boxing, NFL you name it. $65 a month is all…..you guys must really like blowing your cash!
you can stream any game on the planet and cast it to a tv for FREE just using the internet and a chromecast. Or watch it from your desktop. been doing it for 5-8 years. the small hassle has saved me thousands. free UFC PPV, Boxing, NFL you name it. $65 a month is all…..you guys must really like blowing your cash!
Just so you know nothing is FREE and this is the reason things cost more for the honest consumer. I’m sorry I choose to pay a few bucks or not have TV then to steal it! If you ever have something stolen you will understand. Not sure why some people think it’s OK to steal certain things because everyone else is doing it. Still wrong in the end. Just my 2 cents.
I have AT&T Now which was DirecTv Now up until about a year ago. I got in on it on the ground floor and got the new subscriber deal of like 80 channels for $40 a month. Included FSN North, FSN Wisconsin Outdoor channel and another outdoor channel that is mostly deep sea fishing that I can’t remember the name of.
Then it went to AT&T and the price jumped $10 but has held steady plus they have added a lot of channels the last few months at no charge. One being the Smithsonian channel which I really like. Aerial America is a fascinating program.
It has buffering issues on some channels now and again but not enough for me to switch to anything else. Sports are going to be a non issue for the foreseeable future. As long as any player in any sport gets a positive test for the Vid they are going nowhere or doing anything. The real risk for major league sports is people are going to stop caring all together. I’m almost there already.
Yeah, the latest increase of $15 for 8 channels is ridiculous. We’ve been streaming for a year now and prefer it over directv that we had before. We currently have youtube tv and philo. It sucks that these streaming services appear to be going the same direction that dish/directv went when they became popular with continuous price increases and ever expanding lineups of things you don’t watch in order to justify the increase. Most of us started streaming in the first place for a pared down option to overpriced and bloated lineups of useless channels offered by dish/directv.
If youtube tv adds the history channel I won’t need philo, but I cant seem to find one platform that has everything we watch.
Hulu Basic + Live TV is $55/month (has ads)
Hulu Premium + Live TV is $61/month (no ads)
That price has crept up slowly over the last couple years, but still costs a bit less than most of the others. It has a good selection of channels, including local TV, FSNorth/Wisconsin, and a cloud DVR.
Sure prices are going up, but I think it’s worth keeping in perspective. Whereas 10 years ago I was paying $150/month for just slow internet and basic cable (which is equivalent to $177 in today’s dollars), now I have fiberoptic 1G internet for $52/month, Hulu Basic + Live for $55/month, and Netflix for $13/month. More and better entertainment than I had 10 years ago at 2/3 the price…
I always find it fascinating how much we love free markets and capitalism up until the moment somebody raises their price
For those that like outdoors programing, but don’t want to spend a lot of money I’d suggest FrndlyTV. It is a small 15 channel streaming service that includes Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network. Price is $5.99/month. I could care less about the other 12 channels.
well today I bit the bullet and signed up for hulu TV so I can watch football games. Wife and I already had hulu and Netflix along with Disney plus for the kiddos. Monthly bill will probably equal what it did a few years ago for cable but screw it. I hear there’s a pandemic going on so this should help with the entertainment and winter is coming…..
Hulu live is good. I had that before youtube live.
Does Hulu have FSN though?
Just received an email stating YouTube tv is going up from $50 to $64.99 a month!
flameRunning out of options these days if you want the fsn channel
I’m currently paying about $100/month for the Choice Plus package of Direct TV which includes a bundle of Centurylink High Speed and a free season of NFL Sunday Ticket Max. Its not an introductory price either, I’ve used them for 8 years now.
You need a family TV circle, 3 households each get a different service, one gets Netfilx one Hulu and one You Tube then you share your logins and all of you have 3 good options for a 1/3 of the price.
Yep it sucks. I am sticking with YouTube TV because I can use the one account both at home and at the cabin. Saves having a separate service at both. Looked hard at Hulu but they don’t allow this (yes, could stream thru computer and cast but have technically challenged household members )
You need a family TV circle, 3 households each get a different service, one gets Netfilx one Hulu and one You Tube then you share your logins and all of you have 3 good options for a 1/3 of the price.
The problem with that is each household would only be able to watch 1 tv at a time. I guess if you found 3 bachelor’s it would work perfect.
Yep it sucks. I am sticking with YouTube TV because I can use the one account both at home and at the cabin. Saves having a separate service at both. Looked hard at Hulu but they don’t allow this (yes, could stream thru computer and cast but have technically challenged household members
How long ago did you check? We were able to log into our Hulu account on my parents TV via Ruku last winter to watch the Wild on FSN.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eyeguy507 wrote:</div>
you can stream any game on the planet and cast it to a tv for FREE just using the internet and a chromecast. Or watch it from your desktop. been doing it for 5-8 years. the small hassle has saved me thousands. free UFC PPV, Boxing, NFL you name it. $65 a month is all…..you guys must really like blowing your cash!Just so you know nothing is FREE and this is the reason things cost more for the honest consumer. I’m sorry I choose to pay a few bucks or not have TV then to steal it! If you ever have something stolen you will understand. Not sure why some people think it’s OK to steal certain things because everyone else is doing it. Still wrong in the end. Just my 2 cents.
Um ok? ads actually pay for the streams so how is it stealing? just like youtube or any of the other “free” streaming platforms. the small inconvenience of clicking through a few ads or using an ad-blocker when allowed is a huge money saver since people like to complain about price increases. many do not know cable channels are free with only a high speed internet connection, if you look past the first page of google. I’ll keep watching it for free this way, sitting on the pile of $ I saved, until they lock me up………my 2 cents or thousands of cents
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