I put this in the general forum so more can see it. Post up your youth deer pics. My boys had a great year. They are 17 and 12.

Posts: 9311
November 17, 2019 at 2:33 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Youth deer hunting
I put this in the general forum so more can see it. Post up your youth deer pics. My boys had a great year. They are 17 and 12.
I had the youngest guest at my farm for the WI youth hunt, 9 years old. I was sceptical, but he was well ahead of his time. He was very well mannered, great safety awareness, and handling skills
Ugh, my youngests picture is bugging me. I forgot to put the tongue back in. It’s my biggest pet peeve with deer pics. Lol
My son Zach is 14. He harvested this nice 8 pointer a few weeks ago with his bow. 1st bow buck for him.
DT, your 17 YO didn’t fall to far from the tree in the looks dept! Congrats to both on getting their bucks.
Great deer!
What kinda of gun rest in the 2nd pic in the tree stand?
Great deer!
What kinda of gun rest in the 2nd pic in the tree stand?
He is on the Caldwell® DeadShot® FieldPod
I also have the Maxx which I like for myself much better.
I’ve found with the last few years of hosting the youth hunt at my place, these tripods are awesome for kids. They have a lot to learn and all of them have shot their first deer with me. The excitement makes it more difficult for them to be “perfect” steady and the triggers are usually a little heavy on their rifles. The tripods have taken away some of the slop. 4 years – 4 different kids, 100% success -7 deer taken – all 7 were very well placed ethical shots and the deer have all dropped in plain view of the stand. I’m a big fan of kids being taught to use these
Awesome job guys for getting the young ones into the sport and they did a very fine job! The smiles are priceless!
I had all 3 of my boys in the woods this year. 18, 13, and 10. My 13 year old had shot at 3 deer previously and missed every time.
4th time was the charm as he made a very good shot on a nice doe. Smile from ear to ear to finally get the monkey off his back. One thing I was surprised about was how far the deer he shot traveled with NO sign of blood. His shot was a bit far back, but it was slight quartering away and punched through the heart on its way out. It went at least 60 years with no blood. Luckily it dropped right behind my other boys’ stand so we didnt have to really track it.
We ended our hunt after this because I shot the other doe that was with his and we were done at 8 AM on opening morning.
The boys ganged up and drug their deer out of the woods, but they have yet to gut a deer so that is an upcoming event for them.
November 18, 2019 at 10:22 am#1891705
basseyes wrote:
Great deer!Randy,
What kinda of gun rest in the 2nd pic in the tree stand?
He is on the Caldwell® DeadShot® FieldPod
I also have the Maxx which I like for myself much better.
I’ve found with the last few years of hosting the youth hunt at my place, these tripods are awesome for kids.
Totally agree, these are awesome for kids AND adults. I have used one out P-dog hunting for years, but they are terrific in the blind as well
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