That’s sad. It all just comes down to poor sportsmanship. I’ll paint with the same broad brush as gimruis. Compared to open-water anglers and hunters, a much larger proportion of ice anglers tend to be very poor sportsman. It’s just a different breed hitting the ice.
Many are litter-bugs, as we’ve all seen. I’ve seen a car battery left on the ice. A car battery.
The ethics of privacy and giving people a fair amount of space is entirely lost. I’ve had people fish holes I just drilled before I even set the auger down. That’s an Osakis thing, where half the people don’t even bring augers.
Lastly, a huge number of ice anglers are poachers. Look at how so many people wantonly violate possession limits, pile-driving fish into the back corner of their freezer. Is there any other time of the year, or with any other game species, where people just keep whatever they want, regardless of their state laws? Possession limits are basically an honor system. There’s a 0.00% chance of any official checking my freezer or yours. So these abuses are left to occur as a result of poor sportsmanship.