The snot wouldn’t concern me at all. Very common to see an abundance of clear fluid exit the nostrils during death. I’ve shot a lot of deer over the years with excessive fat growth on the organs. Provided that it is just fatty tissue, I would eat the ani,mal wiothout second thought. If it is yellowish growth that is growing within the organ tissue, a sample off to the DNR may be in order. In 37 years, I’ve had about 8 or 9 animals tested by the WI DNR and had 3 positive of various things. The most bizarre was an antlered doe that shed her horns very recently to prior to me shooting her. Her head was a bloody mess from the horn dropping (I thought someone failed at a head shot). There were a few other things that just didn’t look normal. She tested positive for Cranial Wasting which is quite rare. The other two were parasites and was advised to eat the meat if cooked properly