Year round resorts

  • Mike
    Posts: 44

    Would anyone know what resorts are open year round? Seems like fall fishing keeps getting later and later in the year and most resorts close by that second week of October. Thanks for the help in advance!

    Posts: 13050

    Chippewa was open last weekend trappers landing stays open all year I believe

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743

    Not sure on either of these, but Trappers Landing and Horseshoe Bay and looked at Big Rock and Anderson’s all in the SW corner of the big lake, and it seemed like lodging was available at all of them, but restaurant/bar amenities might not be open from the end of the month into the end of December.

    And I bet if you looked at your favorite resorts, they are probably open with their lodging also.


    Posts: 5321

    Sugar point and Pikedale always had resorts open later in the season on the eastside

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