Yam T8 running Ques?

  • Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Last week my T8 would not start when on that water.
    This morning, disconnected fuel line from pump, squeezed
    about a quart of fuel thru lines, could not see any water,
    and drained the bowl.
    It now starts right away and with full choke idles high.
    after turning off choke, motor quits right away. I can
    restart no problem on full choke, but will not keep running
    with choke off. It does stay running only on full choke.
    Do it need to pull carb and clean jets, OR????
    thanks for any input.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Sure sounds like it’s starving for fuel. Check lines, filter and bulb first, easier than ripping into the carb. If they’re more than a few years old, replace. If the line began to break down inside, there could be a slight blockage from the liner somewhere along the fuel line or into the filter. If that doesn’t do it, time to give it a good cleaning.

    Berryman Chem Dip is amazing stuff if you use it properly!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    You need to clean the low speed idle jet. I’ll bet James @jamesholst could do the job with his eyes closed!

    Take one wire off a clean wire brush and push it through the small jet. There are 2 right next to each other. Hit it with some brake clean or WD40. Reassemble in same order you took it apart.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks for the 2 quick replies,
    Jon, it sounds like I need to pull the carb
    off to get the bowl off to get to the jets.
    Does that sound right.
    thanks again.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    If I recall correctly you can pull the cover on the bowl without removing the entire carb. Couple other plates to remove to get to the carb. Just lay everything out in the order you take off. Reassemble in same order.


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