XT clam rod length with extra height?

  • BAR
    Posts: 82

    I have a scout XT on the way. I was wondering if you can use 36-38” rods comfortably with hook set room with the added height. Going to pick up an extra couple lake trout rods and want insight into length. My 42” are probably too long, thanks

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    The depth of the house also comes into play. I have buddies that can’t fish a 28” rod without hitting the sides and roof when I am right next to them fishing a 32” rod and not touching anything. If you were the only one in the house you could fish kitty corner with 42” rods. I have done it for sturgeon with 48” rods in my portable. That was with a circle hook so not much of a hook set. I would set it up in my garage and play around before ordering longer rods. It might be fine for you.

    Posts: 563

    I use rods up to 45″ in a nanook xt w/o any problems.

    Posts: 82

    It is a one person flip top, so will be a smaller area.

    Posts: 30

    Well I am a total newb but just ordered 37 and 39 inch rods. Hope I didn’t make a mistake.

    Posts: 613

    Its all a learning curve. I run 38″ rods in my wide one all the time, Just gotta make sure as you lift the fish, you reel down and get the rod tip down. Its so instinctive to lift your arm as you lift the rod. Thats when you crack the roof in the shack.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    You will be fine. You can stand up straight going into those new XT shelters with the higher front. You shouldn’t have problems with rods that length unless you have a hook set like Roland Martin.

    John Duns
    Posts: 12

    You can use 40+” trout rods in the XTs no issue. Been spending some time on the mine pits sniping trout in my Voyager XT. Plenty of room since its a smaller two man unit.

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