I’m looking at purchasing a Skeeter WX2060, but storage situation may see me trying to fit it inside a garage door that is exactly 84″ high. Skeeter’s website has the “height on trailer” of the WX2060 as 84″. I was wondering if there are any WX2060 owners with real world examples you could share of if your WX2060 was able to just fit under the garage door opening. Did you find it to be almost exactly 84″ high, or a bit lower / higher when trailer is level?
Since we are looking for a home to buy, my situation is only temporary, and I may purchase a 12″ drop down hitch in an attempt to lower the boat’s windshield height as I back it into my garage… has anyone else needed to resort to this tactic?
The slab in front of my garage door also slopes down quite steeply from the door… that too may assist in lowering the effective height of the windshield as I try to guide it under my garage door header since I’d be lowering the trailer hitch even more. In your response, please let me know if the approach to your door is level or slops up or down from the door and if you feel that made a difference to you.
Thank you for your assistance… I’m just trying to judge how much effort I should be taking to have a back-up storage facility lined up just in case I arrive home with a new boat and find that it is indeed impossible to fit into my current garage.