Wx1910 VS ranger 1880vs

  • Remington Moren
    Posts: 5

    Looking for pros and cons on them both. Will be purchasing a boat within the next couple weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time in an angler and I liked it but I’ve never been in an Wx1910 on the water. Looking for a couple people who have been in or fished in both.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17397

    Congrats. If you are around the Twin cities or western Wisconsin contact the boat center in Ramsey or Chippawa Falls for a on water test.

    Posts: 3405

    I think apples to apples would be a WX1910 and a 619FS. There is quite a bit of a difference between the angler hull and the FS rangers. Skeeter boat center in WI sells both so they are who you should talk to.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Both are great products, but would be helpful to know what your priories are and how you use the boat 95% of the time .

    1910 benefits
    I believe the 1910 tracks better with react keel.
    Better rear side storage.
    Rough water ride
    Yamaha confidence

    1880 pluses
    Good fast hull but not the fisherman hull
    Fast boat
    wider boat
    Aesthetics may appeal to you.
    Mercury bigger block

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 57

    I can only help with one side of the choice. I ran a 2015 1880 last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I sold it because I fish Sakakawea a lot and wanted to get into a 20 foot boat. I also loved the boat because it was powered by yamahas. You can still find them out there, but they’re unicorns.

    Ranger Reliability
    Fishability was second to none
    52 mph in an 18 foot boat is fantastic
    comfortable to put my family in for a day of fun

    storage; you only had the two front lockers for gear, a two spot tray under the passenger console, and one compartment on the stern. I probably have more tackle than I should, but I basically had to choose between 10 boxes or haul around a tackle bag with me.

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