WX1910 questions

  • Carl S
    Posts: 60

    I’ve been thinking about moving from my Lund to a glass boat in the next year and the wx1910 seems to tick the important boxes for me as far as layout and features. A few questions I had (pretty much can I manuever this beast down my tiny Richfield driveway and into my garage):

    I see storage length listed as 21’1″. Anyone have experience fitting this into a 21′ garage? Will turning the motor get it to 21′ (any size difference in an f200 vs f175)? Also, is that length on the single or tandem axle?

    Related trailer questions – what is the outside width of the tires? And what is the approximate total weight on trailer?

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    The WX1910 is an awesome boat. I don’t know the dimensions, but a call to Skeeter Boat Center in Ramsey will get it answered. Feel free to send me a message with any questions about the boat.

    Jake Jacobs
    Posts: 79

    This is my third summer with my WX1910. Love it!!!!
    Plenty of storage, handles big water (Mille Lacs), handles my family – two kids that love to tube behind it – I got the tow pole with it.
    Awesome boat.

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