WX 1910

  • hunterjoe
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Guys who’ve owned these now (lambeau). What are your thoughts on the boat? I’m giving serious consideration to selling my Reata to get a 1910 as it resolves all of the “gripes” I have with my boat.
    To give you some examples of why I’m thinking of the switch:
    Rod storage in the Reata is horrid.
    I’ve had a few waves over the bow even when it’s not terribly rough out.
    I really should have gotten a 4 stroke and I want a kicker. Will get the 200 and T9.9.
    Larger front casting deck as I cast nearly 75% of the time.
    In general, just like the layout better.
    Performance wise, I’m happy with what I get out of my boat and it sounds like the 1910 would be very similar so I’m not terribly concerned with that aspect, but let me hear it anyhow.

    Can I get some, good, honest feedback as to what you liked, didn’t like about running the boat?
    Thanks in advance.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Hunterjoe, where do you live? Someone closer to you might offer up a ride. This will probably give you the best answers to your questions. You never know.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Thanks Francisco… SBC will give me a ride, that’s not a problem. I’m more curious about fishability, any issues after a year of use, etc.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    I’ll weigh in when I get a little more time…Packer game tonight! So hopefully by Sunday afternoon. I’ve got a backlog of video that I should probably edit too…

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    I actually downsized slightly when I got the WX1910 from previous boats I’ve owned, and it was also a move into more of a walleye-style boat than one that’s optimized as a casting platform. I did this for a few reasons:
    – I’m getting old(er), and wanted a smoother riding deeper-V for rough water
    – as my son starts getting to fishing/boating age, I wanted a deeper cockpit
    – as he grows older I will want to be able to pull tubes and skis
    – my muskie fishing is split almost evenly 50/50 between casting and trolling

    Things I Like:

    – ride in big water: I’m very confident in this boat getting me there and back under any reasonable weather condition, and my back feels good too. My wife enjoys it enough to say “Yes” to a fishing invite.

    – cockpit: It’s huge, so you don’t feel crowded with multiple people in the boat and my son’s bobber casts don’t pop me in the head. When trolling this is unbelievably comfortable and roomy. I can get all the way to the gunnel in the full cockpit, especially nice when trolling and family panfishing.

    – storage: I have a lot of gear. A lot. But I still can’t figure out what else to put in the boat to try and fill all the empty storage space.

    – rod storage: the center locker is good for up to 8’ers, and it’s great to have the side locker to hold the long 9-10′ rods out of the way. The side holster is tighter than advertised, but if you use rod sleeves and a dash of patience with bulky reels, you can fit 5-6 combos in there pretty easily.

    – big front deck: Easily handles two guys casting muskie lures, and it stays wide all the way to the front. Boat is very stable at rest even in waves so you can get close to the edge during figure-8s, and plenty of room to dance when fighting a big fish.

    – tracking: The keel design was intended to help drift evenly cross-wind and current, this is a nice feature when basin casting suspended fish. It’s also interesting while trolling; I found the boat is a bit slower in sharp turns as a result, but straightens out of the turns that much faster. I had to ease into my turns a bit earlier, but can snap out of them sharply.

    – step/cooler: Being able to grab an ice water from the driver’s seat is great.

    – flat gunnel tops: The Traxtech tracks I added are flush and smooth with no overhang, giving it a very secure mount that looks purpose-built.

    – x-tra tall windshield option: I’m tall, and air-ride seats sit higher, so this lets me keep my hat on. And if you’re going to have a windshield, get one that blocks more of the wave. Combined with a 4-stroke motor, you can even hold normal conversations while running WOT. These are also at an almost idea height for mounting GoPro cameras to capture boatside action to either the front or back of the boat.

    – built-in bow navigation lights: It surprised me how nice it is to not have to walk up and put that pole in for the bow light.

    – bluetooth radio: Love, love, love this design to run music and ballgames off my phone without the need a radio cluttering up the dash. The stock speakers seem better than in previous boats I’ve owned too, including my last Skeeter in which they were downright poor. Great system that operates as it should and adds enjoyment to my days on the water.

    – seats: This was the first year we didn’t crush and destroy the seats during our fall trolling trip. A smoother ride plus sturdier, wider seats was a very welcome change.

    – fit/finish: As good or better than any boat I’ve owned or been in, bar no brand. All the edges are smooth, the gelcoat is even and crack-free, the stripe lines are sharp, all the wires are bundled nicely, the interior lighting and cupholders are top notch.

    Things I’d Improve: (or did)

    – rear deck: It’s smallish. I mitigated this by putting my muskie Lakewoods along it to extend it and I’m satisfied since I’d have those in the boat anyway. I added a custom-cut pad beneath them so they’re flush to the deck height. Moving the side storage locker doors forward 4″ and adding 4″ to the rear deck would have been perfect.

    – bow trim/tilt switch: It’s located between the trolling motor plug and the gunnel. It would be way easier to operate by foot if the location was swapped with the trolling motor plug. That engineering had to have been done by someone who doesn’t fish.

    – screws on the windshield center support bars: The screw points are exposed inside the cockpit, and they shake loose. C’mon man, use bolts with lock nuts already.

    – dash angle: The gauge cluster is inset around the steering wheel base, and angled slightly IN towards the dash. As a result, rainwater collects at the bottom of the inset with no way to drain out. Making the bottom edge of the inset flat rather than angled would have allowed the water to escape.

    – stock/recommended rigging: One downside of buying a new design is that no matter how good of a game the advertising videos and salesmen talk, no one really knows the boat’s performance characteristics yet. The included 80lb trolling motor is underpowered for a boat this heavy, and the 60″ shaft is too short for a hull this deep in even moderate waves (I upgraded to 112lb, 72″ shaft). Likewise, a 9.9hp kicker isn’t responsive enough for frequent power turns while trolling 4mph (I’ll be upgrading to 15hp this winter with an extension jack-plate). Learning and re-buying these items costs real money.

    – battery charger in floor: I like to look at my charger after plugging it in to check everything is on, and again after charging to see battery status. The in-floor location from the factory is a pain in the arse. When I upgraded to a 36v system, I put the 3 batteries in the floor and moved the charger under the port jump seat – way easier to check it now and I don’t miss the small storage bin that was there one bit.

    – removable carpet: The cut-outs around the driver and front passenger seat posts should have an open seam to the sides. As designed, you have to remove the seats in order to remove the carpet. With air-ride seats, that’s a pain in the arse. Again, not designed by someone who puts carpet in and out of an actual fishing boat multiple times each year based on weather conditions and type of fish being caught – I want it in for family panfishing, out for easy cleaning after great lakes chromers and summer muskies, in again for late fall muskie trolling with snow/ice in the boat…

    I LOVE my boat, as it’s the right set of compromises for the various things I want a boat to do. At the same time, it is not the ideal muskie casting boat. Those limitations are easily mitigated by modern long rods and some relatively easy adjustments, but if I was a casting-only muskie guy looking for a fishing-only boat for use in the summer I’d be looking at an MX2040.

    The WX1910 is a very very good match for the range of ways I use a boat, which includes family time, summer casting, and late season trolling in big water/poor weather conditions. It runs rough stuff extremely well, it’s plenty capable as a casting platform, and it really shines as a trolling rig. Being comfortable and staying dry on long runs enables me to go anywhere I want to go, and fish effectively when I get there.

    I’ll try to work on a few videos before the holidays, I’ve got some footage of casting, figure-8 fish, and fall trolling too.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Great read, I’m not even in the market, but now I want a new boat!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Thanks Lambeau. Very good write up and addresses the questions I had on the boat. Appreciate the time you spent on the reply.

    Northern MN
    Posts: 323

    I had my 1910 since early July. I reflect a lot of what Lambeau had to say.

    This is my first glass boat – came from a Lund 1900 Pro-V. The boat rides extremely well in rough water (LOTW). I fished many times in rougher water using the bow mount (80#/60″ shaft) holding on structure and never speared a wave (same goes for driving in rough water). We have a family of four out fishing or playing on the water. The jump seats are great and really opens up the cockpit. Storage is very good and dry. For us, the rear deck is perfect, where my two boys cast off of no problem. The bow can hold me and my 11 yr old jigging, trolling or casting.

    If you trailer any distance, get the tandem trailer and the EZ step feature is great. I have a few smaller gripes (not being able to trim the motor from the bow with the master power off; rain collecting in the dash) but otherwise I’m pretty happy. SBC has been great to work with. I have a 9.9 remote kicker but have not had enough experience with it to report on.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Thanks for the reply fisherman-j.

    So I hear conflicting reports here. Lambeau says 80/60 isn’t enough for the bow and FJ says (I’m assuming here) it is. Most likely I’d error on the side of caution and go with the bigger one but is the 72″ really needed?

    Does anyone have any experience running the bigger boats, or other brands that can weigh in (James, crew)? If the jump to the 2060 would really be worth the money, I may end up going that route, but the 1910 just fits better as I don’t have a deep garage and the 1910 would be so close to my current boat and I know how that one fits.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    here’s a highlight reel from our summer casting trip to LotW. it shows casting, figure-8s, and fighting fish on both the front and rear decks from various angles. hope it helps!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Cool video. Really shows how stable the boat is. Rear deck size is a bit of a concern as that’s one of the things I really like about the Reata. But putting the Lakewoods there like you have would resolve most of that issue.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Nice job on the video. Couple of questions…………

    Other then gaining mounting places for your Go Pro on the windshield what was your thinking in going from the 2000T to the 1910?

    Is your “T” handle on the rod as awkward to get use to as it looks? I understand the theory but don’t know if I could get use to it.

    Northern MN
    Posts: 323

    Cool video Lambeau. I think our boats have been to some same spots.

    I was originally shopping for a 20 foot boat, but have been told time and time again and experienced it too, about the great ride in the 1910 vs it’s bigger brother. Obviously you gain some space in the 20′ models, but I don’t know about the ride.

    For the waves I’ve fished in, the 80#/60″ Terrova has been fine – but obviously your mileage may vary/all things being equal I’d take the larger trolling motor (of course).

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    the switch to the WX1910 for me was about going from a “fishing only” rig (WX2000T) to a multi-use fishing/family boat. i’ve got a 4-year-old at home and this deep cockpit is safer for him when fishing bluegills, plus as he gets a bit older this boat will work for family fun with tubes and skis. the windshield is also much more comfortable to hide behind on our late-fall trolling trips when running to spots, though the tiller was obviously superior for precise trolling once there. this boat is plenty nimble though, should be even better with a 15hp kicker, and i was pleased with how shallow it drafts too.

    the “T-handle” on the rods are just plain awesome. they offer so much better ergonomics and leverage, they really take out the wrist and hand pain when cranking heavy pulling lures such as double-10 bucktails or ripping minnowbaits and dawgs.
    it was awkward when i first installed them on the forward rod grip, just stretched my arm out too far. however, when i moved them back as far as possible towards the reel (covering the front reel seat) they became a game-changer for me.

    i experienced the trolling motor prop coming out of the water in moderate waves with the 60″ shaft. i want control at all times through the prop spinning in the water. i was also drawing down the batteries after less than a full day when fishing in the wind with the 24v system.
    both of those experiences are unacceptable to me, so as soon as MinnKota released the 36v/112lb with 72″ shaft i upgraded and both issues have been nicely resolved. i’d much rather have “too much” the 90% of the time i don’t need than have “too little” during the 10% of times i do need it…

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114


    You mention you’re a big guy, do you have any issues with the console being so low on the boat? Seems to be considerably lower than on my Reata and want to know if that’s an issue ever.


    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    i’m 6’1″ so i definitely pay attention to my fit behind the console and steering wheel.

    with the standard seats, i could lower the seat and slide it back enough to be easily comfortable with the steering wheel at around center height while still being up enough to easily get in/out of the seat.

    when i switched to the WavePro suspension pedestals i lost both the height adjustment and the slider, pushing me up into and forward into the steering wheel. this was extremely uncomfortable. using a dealer-suggested fix, i retro-fit the seat slider onto the WavePro pedestal to get some breathing room, and now keep the steering wheel raised all the way up. works just fine and i’m comfortable driving the boat.

    if you’re going to add WavePro pedestals (which are awesome) you will definitely need to make some adjustments. one approach is the seat base set-back option from WavePro…but that messes up your ability to use the snap-in carpet. another option is to retro-fit the seat slider to work with it like i did. i had to work through this after i got the boat home from having the pedestals installed and it was a PIA; if you’re having a dealer install the pedestals make sure that they anticipate the issue ahead of time and provide the adjustments at the time of install.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Thanks! I’m 6’6″ so, as you can guess I pay very close attention to that as well. My Reata is very comfortable for me and I felt cramped in the Skeeter a bit. I don’t plan to add any different pedestals, I’ve never felt the need personally. That being said, it almost felt as though the seat was too high and the console too low for even a normal person. Hard to explain. Maybe the Reata is the exception and the Skeeter is more the norm. Anyhow, thanks for the reply!

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