WTB – Winchester 120/1200/1300 20 gauge barrel

  • tornadochaser
    Posts: 756

    Daughter decided she wants to hunt deer with me in MN this fall. Kind of late notice.
    The only youth shotgun I’ve got is a Winchester 120 with a fixed mod choke barrel, but it’s not shooting slugs well at all.

    Looking for a fully rifled or smooth bore with rifle sights 20 gauge barrel for winchester model 120, 1200, or 1300. Will even take a 20 gauge vent rib 22″ winchoke barrel.
    I’ll buy outright or trade 9mm, 5.56/.223, 12g steel, or possibly 6.5 creed ammo.

    Posts: 269

    I wish I had something to help you out. Hope someone comes through for you. Shame to have a kiddo not have a good experience.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I don’t have anything to sell you, but I do have a Remington 1100 20 gauge smooth bore that I’d be open to borrowing to you if you’d like. I bought it for my nephews/sons but they won’t be using it this year. Feel free to shoot me a PM and we can figure something out.

    Posts: 756

    I think I found a few barrels in stock online. Price sucks but it is what it is I guess.

    , I appreciate the offer. I’ve got access to some other 20 gauges if need be through friends I hunt with. Just trying to get something dialed in ASAP so we can hit the range a few times.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    waytogo Good luck to your daughter!

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