WTB Muskie net

  • isu22andy
    Posts: 2026

    Wanted to buy Muskie / sturgeon net . Not looking to spend a ton just want to be prepared if I try it this summer . Hoping someone has one collecting dust they want to get rid of . Closer to Rochester the better.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I don’t have one for sale but would recommend a folding net. My StowMaster is x2 the size of my last net and takes up less room in the boat. Deep nets work great as live wells over the side of the boat. Hope you find one or maybe we should just go together this fall and I will let you be my net man.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17429

    I don’t have one for sale but would recommend a folding net. My StowMaster is x2 the size of my last net and takes up less room in the boat. Deep nets work great as live wells over the side of the boat. Hope you find one or maybe we should just go together this fall and I will let you be my net man.

    Ouch. jester

    Posts: 92

    I have one in rochester.. maybe 2, i havent musky fished in a few years

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