WTB – English Setter Puppy

  • Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    I am officially in the market for a new puppy. I want to stay away from the breeder route but am not opposed to them either. Looking for a mostly white female that will top out around 42lbs. Does anyone know of any litters or have any family members with a litter due in the next 1-4 months?

    Would also consider a gordon.

    Feel free to pm me.

    Posts: 3319

    My nephew got his Setter up by Mellen WI.

    Posts: 1038

    How about a Chihuahua?

    1. C4495DA6-D9C5-4441-AC45-552E1410560A.jpeg

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    Lol. Paint it white with a few black spots and turn it into a bird dog. Then we can talk.

    South end
    Posts: 745

    If I was in the market for either a Setter or Pointer puppy I’d contact Jerry Kolter at Northwoods.
    He was just getting into trials serious when I was getting out.
    I haven’t talked to him in years but a very upstanding guy 20 years ago.
    Don’t be afraid of trial breeding. The #1 trait must trialers want is a dog that wants to find birds & then stay on point until handler gets there.

    South end
    Posts: 745

    IMHO you should be very very careful shopping Gordons or Irish / Red Setters.
    Just to “quirky”.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    Right. That’s why I would prefer an English setter. Grew up with a couple of them and finally live in a good place to have one.

    Contacted Jerry a few days ago. Waiting for a reply. Curious what he’s charging these days.

    Posts: 790

    Recently got an English Golden Retriever puppy. Last puppy was about 18 years ago. Forgot how much work goes into a new puppy. Wish you well as they can bring much joy into your life as well as a few trying moments too.

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