soldWtb 1 man sled house.

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22154

    Otter hide out or clam I don’t really care. Just a easy to hand pull 1 man. That won’t break the bank

    Posts: 188

    My old man has been talking about getting rid of his 1man. It’s a non insulated Clam I believe. If your interested I can get you in touch.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22154

    My old man has been talking about getting rid of his 1man. It’s a non insulated Clam I believe. If your interested I can get you in touch.

    Absolutely. Thank you

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Otter hide out or clam I don’t really care. Just a easy to hand pull 1 man. That won’t break the bank

    I had the Hideout and the Clam Legend. Hands down the Clam Legend. Lighter, wider,less expensive, and a little taller if I recall. The Hideout was too narrow for me.

    Matt Ny
    Posts: 36

    I have an Otter black and white camo thermal top one man I’m looking to sell if you are interested. Comes with an extra Otter Wild 1 canvas too. If you are interested shoot me a DM, located in brooklyn park, MN.

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