Wright County (MN) Regional Inspection Program

  • Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    *Cross-posted without edits from another site*

    Mar 19, 2019 Wright County AIS public meeting recap:

    The Wright County passed the AIS ordinance today with a 3 to 2 vote. Now it is entirely up to the DNR commissioner to approve it. The Wright County commissioners said that if the DNR does not approve it by April 15th, the whole proposal is dead for good.

    Here are some more details from the meeting. There were about 50 people attending, 99% lake shore owners. They all applauded the proposed ordinance (except for the self-certification part). One after another they spoke about how much trouble their lake is in and how much it has cost them to keep AIS at bay. They did a great job of presenting “the sky is falling” to the county commissioners (I always find it interesting that there is no mention of restrictions on lake shore owners using lawn fertilizer that turns the lakes into a green slimy mess. Seems to me that would be a no brainer if you really cared about the lake). Most made a point that they are not trying to privatize their lake and are offended when they hear that. On the other hand, not once did anyone mention that we need to come up with a better way that does not restrict access. Only one lone fisherman addressed the council and said that he bypassed the three test lakes last year and will bypass the additional lakes if this passes, too much hassle. Hmm, funny how that works. Imagine if this catches on and all the lakes are restricted, sell the boat I guess. There was also mention of a need for an exit inspection process. Not sure what that means, but didn’t sound like it would be in lieu of the proposed inspections and you may end up having to get inspected before and after you go to the lake.

    Also of interest, the commissioners said they have received many inquiries from lake associations around the state and there were several other lake association representatives at the meeting to observe and see how they could implement this same strategy. So Wright County will be the test case for every county in the state to run with this. What a disastrous precedent. Not to mention the regulations and tags would be different for every county, making it cumbersome and impractical. The self-certification will have a cost of $10 to $40, so multiply that by how many counties you fish.

    What you can do if you want to stop this from happening:
    The entire fate of this proposal now rest on the DNR. The Wright County commissioners will meet with the DNR commissioner on Mar 21. If the DNR does not approve the plan by April 15, it will be dead. Send your concerns to these DNR contacts right away so that they receive it before they meet with the Wright County people.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    PS, you can read the emails send to Wright County on this link. Notice how organized the lake associations are with their form letter that you just sign and send. In particular, notice the one from the Clearwater association #34 on the page (see where this is heading?).


    IDOers, here is some background on the program:

    Anglers/boaters must have their boots washed at a location miles away from the lakes before using the public accesses. Their trailer is then tagged for the day. Anyone found at the accesses without the tag is subject to steep fines. The lakes in this program are about to be expanded from 3 to 9 of the best lakes in the county, including Sugar and Maple.

    The 3 currently-restricted lakes are hardly used by recreational anglers anymore. In essence, the fearmongering by lakeowner associations about AIS has resulted in the DNR privatizing these public resources for the benefit of of the homeowners.

    How do you feel about public funds maintaining the accesses and stocking lakes that are essentially now privatized? What are your thoughts on the introduction of Starry Stonewort to Pleasant Lake (Annandale) last year despite being restricted by these regulations for two entire summers? What impact do you feel this will have on local economies? What do you think of having to wash your boat before going into lakes with well-documented AIS rather than after leaving them?

    This is a dangerous precedent to set. It is a slippery slope, and it will not likely end in Wright County. This pertains to you, Minnesota Anglers, so make your voices heard. They hold these ‘public’ discussion forums on weekdays during business hours when the average working stiffs are busy, so meetings are almost entirely composed of the retired lakeowner association demographic and their like-minded opinions. In one month, this proposal will be passed or it will be scrapped permanently. Speak up! Email the Wright County representatives named in the above cross-post. If this gains traction, it will spread beyond Wright County.

    Thanks, Joe

    Wright County
    Posts: 3090

    Thank you for the contacts. In short if the DNR approves this I will have lost all hope in them.

    Posts: 2667

    For everyone in the fishing industry, you should all be paying very close attention to these issues and become actually vocal on the direction the sheep are being led vs just pitching and pimping products. The fear of most in the fishing industry to speak up and show some passion and interest in the access issues should really start paying close attention to guys like Randy Newberg, Steve Rinella, BHA, etc, in the hunting industry. I am very disappointed in many in the fishing world who have no interest in sticking their necks out with how hogged tied they are to sponsors and the fear of speaking up and the hook line and sinker rational to ais. Theodore Roosevelt stuck his neck out religiously and fought for what he believed in. Imo, have yet to see any long sighted fight for access rights from any high profile personality in Minnesota’s fishing scene. AIS regulations, if allowed to be controlled by lake association’s, will slowly be walked down a path towards highly restricting access to the public under the guise of stopping or slowing ais. When in all actuality it is more about strictly limiting public access, all the while lake home owners aren’t treated under the same set of restrictions or inspections processes. If that does not define the beginning signs of restricting public access to public waters, yet does not restrict private access to public waters, I don’t know what does? If the public has to go through a vetting process to access public water, so should private home or land owners.

    Posts: 5

    Thanks for sharing the information Joe, I believe all sportsman should be very concerned about this not only those who reside in wright county, this seems very similar to the “the muskies eat all our walleye debate” taking place in Ottertail county in that as stated by many, it is a way for lake associations to try control “their lakes”. If this gains traction and becomes statewide I can only imagine the amount of money local businesses will lose all over the state. I agree with you basseyes that with how large the fishing industry is here in MN we should be more opposition to this. I know for myself living in the northwest side of the cities I occasionally do fish lakes in wright county, I guess my money is not welcome in the local economy so like many I will find places it is welcome.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Send emails, guys. It wouldn’t take much to derail this whole program. This initiative has just enough support to barely pass. These government reps are only hearing from the lakeshore association members, who unsurprisingly like living on private lakes.

    Just send it to one and CC the rest. Takes 5 minutes.

    Posts: 1263

    Done. Two minutes of my time – we need to win this one. We really do.


    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I assume some of you guys are taking to Facebook or other social media outlets with this?

    Posts: 27

    Thanks guys for all your efforts. That’s my letter at the top of the thread that Bassthumb was nice enough to repost here. Regarding organizing anglers, here is a new organization by MN most famous fisherman. I urge all of you to not only send them a request to represent us on this issue, but to join as well. There is a free 2 year membership available.

    Email: [email protected]
    Website: https://mn-fish.com/

    Posts: 27

    Here is the email I sent to MN-Fish.com

    Dear MN-Fish,

    Thank you for creating this coalition for MN fishermen. I just joined at the founding member level as I have an urgent matter that I think you can help with. The links below will provide insight and a recap of the Wright county commissioner meeting on Mar 19, 2019. Based on all the online posts, anglers are absolutely opposed to this and feel we have no voice. I am asking you to be our voice. Thank you for your support.

    Wright County (MN) Regional Inspection Program

    Wright County Regional Inspection Program

    Posts: 27

    Sorry the links didn’t come through on my post above.

    Wright County (MN) Regional Inspection Program


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Here’s a link directly to the story for you non FB users.


    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501
      Confession I believe most fisherman do not care or indifferent to what is happening or not informed.

      SO! WHAT IS THE COMMERCIAL GUYS THAT USE USE THIS RESOURSE STANCE ON THIS? Take a stand! You may be rewarded for this.

      I played a small part in front of a committee to curtail the start of this along with a few others and we won then.
      This was not easy for me but I did it.

    Posts: 27

    Swede wrote:
    [It is dead for now. They may try to spin this in the future, so watch for other clever ways they will try to privatize the lakes.]

    Well, that didn’t take long. The power brokers are flexing their muscles and moved this away from the DNR and into the purly political relm. I guess their lobbyist did their job. Back to emailing, now to your congressman. The Senate has already screwed us and now the house is our only hope. Let them know how you feel.

    St. Michael, MN
    Posts: 178

    Senator Bruce Anderson from that District is the one that made the Amendment. He must be lining his pockets with lake Sylvia Association dollars. If he is your guy then call and let him know how wrong he is, 651-296-5981. Senate File is 2314, amendment 44. The house file is HF2209, call or write your reps now. Tell them they should not be overriding the DNR. Especially when none of them were at the meetings on this. I heard some audio on this and he spun it pretty well in the Associations favor.

    Posts: 126

    I emailed my representative, Representative Boe, yesterday to voice my opposition to SF 2314 Amendment 44 Wright County Regional Inspection Program and received an email back to further expand on why I oppose the bill. I did, and he said that as of today, he could not imagine supporting that bill, nor the amendment attached to it.

    This is a very important point in time for Lake Associations vs. the common Public Access users and we need to step up to the plate to beat this back once again. The MN DNR are the experts on our natural resources and their decision should be final. Please help spread word about this through any channels so we can beat this.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Funny that they’re overriding the DNR, who in their expertise, felt the program unfit to continue. On what basis are the politicians making their decisions, other that possibly money? They’re certainly not experts. I’d be willing too wager that most of us on this thread have more knowledge of the matter than these politicians.

    Let your politicians know that sportman vote, too. Even the Senators who already voted two days ago. Let them know you noticed.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3090

    Interesting thought but lets say it does pass. Can the DNR choose not to enforce it? I really dont think this one will make it and I sent emails.

    Posts: 126

    By wording of the amendment,

    “By July 1st, 2019 the Department of Natural Resources shall APPROVE the expansion of the Wright County Regional Inspection Program to include nine lake.”

    Doesn’t sound to me like they’re giving the DNR much of a choice on enforcing it. If they approve it, whether forced or not, I’m guessing they would have to enforce it.

    1. Wright-County-Amendment.jpg

    Posts: 1800

    I wrote to my senator (who unfortunately voted yes on the addition of the amendment) and she quickly replied to email Senator (Bruce) Anderson as it was his amendment. I hate the whole inspection plan, but what really bothers me and what I expressed to my senator, was the terrible legislation that this amendment does. It allows a small lobbying group of people who weren’t happy with the DNR’s professional decision to strong-arm their way into getting their plan approved, and more likely pulled the wool over their eyes by spinning it in a positive light because I doubt the majority of the senators were real familiar on the plan. That’s not good legislation and that really frustrates me.

    Posts: 20

    The regional inspection program is NOT a Wright CO. idea. It is a concept that lake associations(with lots of donation dollars) hatched with DNR employees; Under the false narrative of being “more cost Effective at saving our lakes”. This program is neither more cost effective providing inspections or protecting lakes from invasive species. The lakes in the program are source lakes(already have invasive species present). This is only about limiting access to public waters, if an individual is prevented in anyway from accessing public lands or waters to Lawfully take or pursuit of fish or game it is harassment(a misdemeanor) under state statue. I am just not sure who you would charge? Board members who voted in the ordinance? The DNR knows that limiting lawful access is illegal?

    Posts: 659

    I live and fish in wright county so I surely sent emails.Unfortunately the senator supposedy representing me is the one that introduced the amendment.Snuck it in with no input other than from the lobbyist and lake association,crooked s.o.b.My representative said she was suprised by the amendment and was trying to reach out to the senator to find out where this came from.I told the senator he lost my vote,and my representitive she would lose mine as well..I told them both I would have no issue having my boat inspected just do it at the landing not clear across town during bankers hours.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2184

    By wording of the amendment,

    “By July 1st, 2019 the Department of Natural Resources shall APPROVE the expansion of the Wright County Regional Inspection Program to include nine lake.”

    Doesn’t sound to me like they’re giving the DNR much of a choice on enforcing it. If they approve it, whether forced or not, I’m guessing they would have to enforce it.

    I could be mistaken (wouldn’t be the first time), but I don’t believe the DNR is the entity to enforce this. It is a Wright County ordinance and was to be enforced by the Sheriff’s dept. And rumor has it, that the Sheriff was not too keen on spending resources to enforce it.

    Boy, just when I thought it was a good day, I see this thread. Has my blood boiling!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    They say Money cant buy you everything. Maybe not everything, but in this case it may buy you your own private Lake. Sad, but this is now the world we live in. If its possible to buy a politician for something as small as this issue – Just think what all can be bought from them for really BIG $’s I guess its really easy now to figure how some politicians career earnings = X but their current net worth = 100 times X.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    So now after being denied by the DNR they are having politicians force the DNR’s hand? Am I reading that correctly?

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    So now after being denied by the DNR they are having politicians force the DNR’s hand? Am I reading that correctly?

    It appears so. The experts (DNR) have spoken. Now the ordinance rests in the hands of politicians who probably had never heard of the Wright County program up until this week and couldn’t tell you what AIS means without Google. Democracy, eh?

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>
    So now after being denied by the DNR they are having politicians force the DNR’s hand? Am I reading that correctly?

    It appears so. The experts (DNR) have spoken. Now the ordinance rests in the hands of politicians who probably had never heard of the Wright County program up until this week and couldn’t tell you what AIS means without Google. Democracy, eh?

    Great more politicians voting on important stuff that they have no knowledge about…..

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Sent an email to my senator Bigham and got a response right away. Sen. Bigham voted yes to the extension in the senate. Her response below and I am impressed that she got back to me. I also sent an email to MN-Fish and asked if this is not a cause MN-Fish cannot get behind that my founding membership money will the last they see from me. Haven’t heard back yet.

    “I Thank you for the email. I now know the provision you are writing about today. The author of the amendment made it sound pretty non-controversial. It passed with a lot of support. I did vote against the overall bill. I will flag it for the folks on the conference committee.

    Thank you,

    Sen. Bigham”

    Start sending your emails to your house representatives. flame

    Posts: 20

    Mn COLA is the organization that is lobbying for “regional inspection” . Grass roots agenda point 8, closing public accesses. I have sat in one of the Mn COLA meetings, this group is directing numerous lake property owners associations to advocate their counties to start regional inspections. They will publicly deny they support restricting public access, but the truth is they believe any public launch boating activity on “their” lakes are intrusive. These organizations have convinced enough members that “their lake values”($) will decrease due to invasive species. The local level lake associations have a lot of money(thru fundraisers, please be aware of these activities and not contribute) and also carry legal insurance to protect their “war chest” from lawsuits. I have volunteered my time to factually inform our elected representatives on this situation.

    Posts: 659

    Ouch,didnt know about MN Cola.I just took a look at their website.If people think whats been cooked up by the lake associations in Wright County is bad (i have no doubt mn cola helped in this ongoing saga)wait until you check out their website.They state up to a 17% reduction in property values from invasive species,they want any water with ais completly shutdown to public use,they want public water access restrictions similar to state park rules with quiet times and other such restrictions.They also say times have changed and allowing unfettered access to lakes is a thing of the past.Wow..They also state the crash of lake mille lacs fish is due to invasive species(of course the crash has been corrected the population of fish booming even with invasive species).This group is only spreading misleading and false information to gain support in their cause-privitized public waters.

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