wounded dog

  • Whiskerkev
    Posts: 3835

    Hello Friends,

    My 12 year old border collie / lab has a sore on her front leg elbow I guess you would call it. I am looking for advice. We have had her to the vet twice. once they just put a dressing on it which fell off the dog in about 5 minutes, the next time we got anti biotics and a cone. While using the cone she banged around and made it worse and also dug at it with her back paw. It seems to be getting worse and I can’t watch her all day. She is licking it all day. there is already a quarter sized divet about a quarter inch deep and it isn’t getting any better. I am at my wits end. Any advice is appreciated.

    Zach Peterson
    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 295

    Are there any other vets in your area? I know it would cost you more money, but the second look and opinion may be worth it.

    Posts: 308

    I think sometimes dogs do that something OCD-ish. Stress related maybe? I will find out more. Poor girl (

    What have the vets told you the cause/issue is?

    My dad’s dog was that age he did the same thing. He was a black lab. Those sores when they get older.

    Or maybe call a couple vets and express your frustration in hopes someone will actually help her

    Posts: 9321

    My dog had something similar but on her side. It was a 3×3 inch circle that was an open wound for weeks. She would lick it like yours and keep it open. Eventually it became a fluid filled growth. The conclusion the vet came to was that she was stung by something and got an infection. I bought a hot water bottle and would put that on the area a few times a day. That along with some meds and it cleared up pretty quick.

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