A facebook group I am part of has a guy on there who during the summer is ,3-4 times a week posting images of 2-3 man limits of panfish, perch, walleye, etc. He is also taking dozens of sheepshead (No big deal but just to illustrate the amount of meat hes taking).
When asked what he does with all that fish he claims he eats them, hosts large fish frys, and also gives many away. He claimed to have cleaned just under 3000 fish in his fish house this year.
He posted pictures of limits of sauger on december 24,25,26. 2 man perch limits on october 9,18,24,25, 3 man limit on the 10th and 11th, 1 man limit on the 6th,and a half limit on the 23rd. I could keep going but you get the point.
I have been taking screen shots of his posts.
I am curious how you guys would respond? I don’t want to be one of “those” guys but it really seems suspicious to me.