would you like to round up and donate?

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I love getting change. I have a plastic water jug must be 6 gallons. It takes me 5 yrs to fill it and $4-5K when I cash in. Have to transfer it to ice cream buckets to take to bank because of the weight.

    I do this same thing. Change machines are getting harder to find

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    A simple no thank you is just fine.

    Posts: 1277

    I love getting change. I have a plastic water jug must be 6 gallons. It takes me 5 yrs to fill it and $4-5K when I cash in. Have to transfer it to ice cream buckets to take to bank because of the weight.

    5-6 yrs? That’s a lot of change! I have one that has been filling for over 20! It’s nearly topped off. All silver coins, no pennies.

    Posts: 4524

    I have a bank credit card that rounds up all my purchases automatically and puts the difference in a savings account, you could not believe how fast it adds up. I maybe able to retire early and fish more.

    Posts: 426

    It depends upon the charity some keep over 90% of the money for administrative fees.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I don’t do digital donations at corporations. Chain restaurants, department stores, sporting goods stores, etc. all get a simple “No, Thank You.”

    There are a few local charities that I personally know the money stays close to home. For these I will gladly donate (local school’s Booster Club, local food shelf, local FD fundraisers, Boys & Girl Scouts which I never buy their products from…just hand their leaders a check made out to their specific group for trips)

    Posts: 1719

    Rounding up or donating is a personal choice. As much as people say, I will donate directly. They often don’t. As far as the money not going to the right place. The minimum wage kid the convenience store may shake the box for a soda or pack of smokes. But the thought that a corporation is going to take donations and take a tax write off. In an audit, there would be a bus load from the accounting department going to make license plates. Accusing them of that hurts credibility of a dwindling source of income to charities that are already on the ropes. They may “claim” a dollar amount donated for publicity, that may include that money, but also some match the money donated. Lots of people and organizations claim donations raised, that didn’t necessarily come from their pockets. Unfortunately, people read wrong info like this on the internet and think it’s fact and avoid giving. If you don’t want to donate fine. Thats why it’s called a donation. But please, don’t bad mouth the few people that have an avenue to help, and are willing to do it. Also take a minute of your time and google “covid-19 effects on charities”

    Posts: 1719

    One last though. If 1/3rd of the US 300 million people would round up a dollar a day. That would be 100 million dollars a day. Think about that next time you see a Veteran in need, a child in a bad way, or pheasant and turkey populations are down.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    One last though. If 1/3rd of the US 300 million people would round up a dollar a day. That would be 100 million dollars a day. Think about that next time you see a Veteran in need, a child in a bad way, or pheasant and turkey populations are down.

    It’s to bad the greedy people who run the organizations would take 70 percent off the top before they handed it out. Be cautious of where you donate. Do some research, tons of great places to donate. And tons not so great

    Posts: 1719

    Some good organizations don’t have access to reasonable resources. Payroll is a killer, even for organization trying to do their best. Some are fortunate to have mostly volunteer labor force. If an organization can prove after expenses, there was no money left. They can continue with zero going to the cause. Or put starving puppies on tv, only to have money go to political interests. Quick search can show the percentage collected that goes to the actual cause, and how much is administration. I always check a few different sites to see if facts line up. For a larger donation, the charity will provide that information. The good ones will be very forthcoming and proud that information.

    Posts: 427

    Be leary of donating to the Animal Humane Society. They are a huge anit-hunting lobby.

    Posts: 2224

    The amount we give to charity is pretty significant, but not some insanely high number. I could probably buy a pretty sweet gun or take a nice trip on what we give each year… but we like to choose how, when and where the money goes.

    Besides the round up … there are companies that state say 5% of profits (usually not sales) go to a certain charity when a specific item is purchased.

    I usually say no to the round up and I never buy something based on a tied in charity … but I understand so many people do not give that this often taps into people that otherwise do not give. No longer bothers me when they ask.

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