Worst net job, screw up…

  • belletaine
    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Let’s start with biggest fish lost.

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    Posts: 1499

    I’m going to owe a few people money

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    My son did this to me. On a walleye that I think was over 30. He stabed it 2 times and the second one the fish broke free.
    He was 8 at the time and I know I should have did it on my own but he had a really good record.

    Also I may have done this a time or 2 on accident to a friend. Every one gets so excited lol

    Posts: 6687

    Though I’ve never thought catching a fish to be a two man job. I’ve always netted fish by myself. Rare to be otherwise. But if someone else is in the boat it would be rare that im the one reeling in, and I usually net for them. For eyes, I prefer to net alone and keep the others fishing.

    Here’s a few that brought quite a challenge however!

    Dan wanted to see how I do it by myself and if I recall correctly it took 3 attempts to net this 66″ sturgeon by myself with Dan watching.
    The other was a 70# 67″ that I ended up hand landing after failing to net (was a second sturgeon on another line yanking drag.

    I don’t recall missing walleyes in the net.

    Lastly just a fun picture netting my buddies first sturgeon, a 60″.

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    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    That’s funny just sent it to my buddy who helped me loose a upper twenty inch eye a few years back. He didn’t seem to appreciate it. But truth be told it was a bit of both our faults.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Last season I had a muskie on and I was fighting it up to the boat and when I looked over at my friend to net the fish, he was literally sitting there eating a sandwich. I said “dude, are you gonna net this muskie?!” So he puts the sandwich down, gets the net, and when the fish is boat side, it gets off. I swore so loud the entire lake had to hear me. We didn’t say a single word to each other for the next 30 minutes and he later apologized for “dicking around with that net job.” I did catch a bigger one later on that he was ready for and he got skunked so justice was served.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Fished a Walleye tournament with a new partner 3 years ago. I told him that when we net the fish we put it on the front deck, unhook, and take pictures for the tournament, and then release. I catch a 26-27” fish and he is unhooking the fish as I’m driving to keep us on the fish and getting the camera ready. All of a sudden I look up to see a 250 pound man wrestling a flopping walleye, he scoops it up like a fumbled football, and it squirts right through his arms and back into the water. I couldn’t believe what I saw. He says that’s why we don’t put them on the front deck. I explained that the tunnels are 12” high so no Walleye could ever flop out and we’ve processed several walleyes the same way. I kept my cool and stayed silent for an hour and then I finally said “I’m guessing you weren’t on the hands team when you played football.”

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    “I’m guessing you weren’t on the hands team when you played football.”

    rotflol rotflol

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    “A 250 man wrestling a flopping walleye” rotflol

    Many years ago my wife, another couple and myself were out on the pontoon for nice cruise. We had a couple rods in holders kinda half a$$ fishing and my wife caught a low 30″ pike. My buddy netted it and when he swung it around he hit his wife in the head with it. So she gives him a shove and the net with the fish still in it fall over the side. We did retrieve it and once Beth calmed down we laughed pretty damn hard.

    Posts: 5307

    These are great stories fellas!

    Wish I had one to share, guess I don’t catch enough fish bawling

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    My buddy knocked off a mid to upper 30″ laker, let’s call it 40″ now rotflol , with the net. He runs a charter business now on Superior, and doesn’t have that issue anymore, but I still remind him regularly! People don’t forget Captain! rotflol rotflol

    My buddy was an aspiring musky fisherman (spent a ton of hours fishing for them, never catching one), and finally caught a mid 40″ one trolling raps for eye’s on a MSP lake, I netted it and went to set it in the boat when it hit the seat and vaulted out of the boat. At that point he thought he was destined to never catch AND photograph a musky… jester jester Thankfully I made it up to him by putting him on a couple muskies, one in Tonka and one up by you BT.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 436

    Every few years I’ll be fishing a Dubuque rig and get two walleye at the same time, one on the jig and one one the long line. Had a friend who liked to net a fish and sweep it into the boat with a flurish. Unfortunately he netted the first to appear on the jig swept it into the boat and broke off a nice one on the long line before I could say anything. Other times we’ve netted the one on the jig first then tried to net the one on the long line which is impossible. Last time we had two nets in the boat and held the first fish in the net in the water and netted the long line fish with a second net. Ideally you are aware there are two fish and scoop the loneline one first then the jig fish. Can get frantic with strong current and wind a blowing.

    Posts: 9189

    I’ve rimmed a few muskies fishing solo but the only one I remember losing because of it was of course an upper 40s.

    I rimmed one for my buddy at like 4 am a couple years ago but got my hand in the gill plate before it could shake off. Stupid and dangerous move but it worked out and the fish was a 50″.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Some times the fish wins.

    Posts: 6631

    My buddy almost, and I mean ALMOST lost the biggest lake trout I have ever seen.

    He’s usually a pretty good net man, but apparently forgot to scoop deep for that 40.25″ monster, like three times lol

    I’d share the video but it is a lot me yelling “Dig for that f-ing f-er!! Dig for that f-er!!” Lol

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    Posts: 1811

    We were fishing a tournament, me and Tom, we were close to leading, anyway I hooked Hubba Bubba , 48/50 inch fish.I get her to the side of the boat, but she dives under the side, Tom makes a stab at her with a net under the boat. I say get that away now, he backs off, I get her back up, he’s ready to net her, and down she goes under the boat,He follows her under the boat trying to net a fish he can’t even see, and knocks her off. For a moment Tom just went crazy.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    My buddy almost, and I mean a ALMOST lost the biggest lake trout I have ever seen.

    That is one big ass lake trout.

    Posts: 6631

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    My buddy almost, and I mean a ALMOST lost the biggest <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>lake trout I have ever seen.

    That is one big ass lake trout.

    Thanks man, it was a fish of a lifetime!

    If a fish is landed with a bad net job it turns into a good net job toast

    This video is similar to what went down with that beast, but with a different fish, a different net man, a different trip, and no f-bombs jester

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I remember when you first posted that, B-man, its awesome!
    Gotta be a proud dad!

    Posts: 1583

    My dad didn’t get far enough out on a probably close to 30″ eye about 8 years ago.

    The next day, i caught a 26″ and he almost short armed it again and i yelled at him regrettably. he felt awful on the first one and then we both felt awful on the 2nd one. I apologized and we’ve netted a ton of big fish together since then.

    Posts: 5307

    “Almost” don’t count bman, salt in the wound for those seeking sympathy smash

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    “Almost” don’t count bman, salt in the wound for those seeking sympathy smash

    So easy a child can do it!!😂

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Great post.

    Buck-Slayer, You should expect a call from my attorney from the number in the meme above. grin Short arms my mid 40 inch muskie and then texts me a picture of the fish a few hours later after I have to leave. bawling

    Who doesn’t have a friend with alligator arms? doah

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