Hey all,
Just wondering if anybody has a good set-up for a woodstove they use in their ice house. I usually fish alone and have an Eskimo 450xd so there’s plenty of room for a wood stove, which I’ve been thinking about investing in. Relying on propane when you’re up in the boundary waters, with a 4 hour hike in can get stressful but there’s plenty of dead wood around much of the islands so I just randomly thought “hey, I should put a woodstove in my house instead”. The only issue I could see would be having a hot fire all through the night and pulling it out there, since the chimney pipe + stove would take up a whole sled (so now I’d be at 3 sleds). I really like the idea of not being reliant on propane though

Posts: 41
May 2, 2023 at 12:25 pm