Woodstove for ice fishing camping in the BWCA

  • Tom Rawlyk
    Posts: 41

    Hey all,
    Just wondering if anybody has a good set-up for a woodstove they use in their ice house. I usually fish alone and have an Eskimo 450xd so there’s plenty of room for a wood stove, which I’ve been thinking about investing in. Relying on propane when you’re up in the boundary waters, with a 4 hour hike in can get stressful but there’s plenty of dead wood around much of the islands so I just randomly thought “hey, I should put a woodstove in my house instead”. The only issue I could see would be having a hot fire all through the night and pulling it out there, since the chimney pipe + stove would take up a whole sled (so now I’d be at 3 sleds). I really like the idea of not being reliant on propane though

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1583

    You might want to see if you like what this guy uses.

    Posts: 4802

    i know alot of guys like winnerwell brand stoves for there shacks. i dont personally have one but if you have facebook check out the group called “trick your hub” there are alot of people on there with stoves. also if your looking for a nice folding saw check out silky brand saws

    Tom Rawlyk
    Posts: 41

    Thanks for the info! I think I’ll probably buy a smaller woodstove soon here and work on designing a new window with welding fabric. It should be interesting space-wise because I have a mini Cooper, so I’ll have to see if I can fit one extra bin in the back!

    mark Mason
    Posts: 123

    Ice fishing and camping out of a mini Cooper is a formidable achievement.

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