I don’t like what this guy is doing, but does anyone have any sympathy for him? He spends a ton of money to build his dream home on a nice lake and something (relatively new?) goes up right next to him that will hurt his property value and his enjoyment of his property.
No, I do not have sympathy for the guy or the HOA for that matter.
This situation is created by the allowing of private property owners to construct private structures on property that they DO NOT OWN. Lakeshore property owners in MN are the only ones in the state who are allowed to do this.
This creates a false sense of ownership and entitlement when it comes to property that is really owned by the people of the State of Minnesota. I hear it all the time, lakeshore owners calling the lake “my lake”. And just look at the antics that “lakeshore owners associations” have gone to to control use and access to “their lake” (as they see it). There are constant efforts underway by lakeshore owners and LSOAs to restrict, limit, or outright deny access to the general public.
MN needs a new uniform standard for what lakeshore owners are allowed to do when it comes to erecting private structures on public property. These rules should NOT be “governned by exception”, but rather be iron clad and uniform so the law is understood and can be easily enforced.
The lakeshore is what it is. Exceptions should not be granted for the convienece of lakeshore owners. There is NO right to convienent access to public property.
The #1 threat to the future of fishing and water recreation in MN is the privatization of our lakes.