Very nice work! Good job on the fins,they look great! I started carving last fall and did a big <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>muskie over the winter. The abdominal fins on mine look stubby,kinda like T-Rex arms! they are out of the same piece of wood. I used basswood from a tree off our land. It’s very soft and easy to work with. The dremmel is a great tool for that. I’ll take some pics this weekend and post them here.
I got some info here on airbrushes but have yet to buy one. I’ve always enjoyed woodworking and think carving will be a great hobby.
Again, very nice looking work!
My wife’s family have a dairy farm out in Wisconsin and mill a lot of their own wood. He said they have some big sections drying of 10-12 inch basswood pieces. I believe 8-9 ft long. I can wait to get up there and pick one out. I wondered about using this wood and apreciate the advise. I read basswood works well but was worried about moisture. They were cut last spring so have had some time but don’t know how dry it has to be.
I have an air brush that I use for painting/refinishing crank baits. They work great but that paint business is a whole different deal. I hate to paint wood unless it is needed and that why I went with burning. Paint needs a good primer.
An arts and crafts forum would be awesome. Absolutely right. There are a lot of good tips and advise but no central point for the information.