Won’t start

  • Logan Holman
    Posts: 1

    I have a 73 65hp evinrude outboard that I just picked up today he said there was yes spark because there was no key. I was able to get it to turn over just fine. I disconnected the black and yellow wire to be able to get spark I did that a few times now the engine rotated almost a comeplete cycle but then stops and won’t go any further any suggestions on what it might be and what I will need to fix it?

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    2. 15E0C628-2551-40D7-AC35-91E9ACA587F5.jpeg

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    What condition is your battery. If you have a good strong battery, does your starter click and do nothing or does it spin in a high pitch scream but the motor doesn’t turn, does it sound like the starter is engaging the flywheel but the engine is stuck. Does it smell hot or like an electric fire when you try to start it, any smoke. Make sure its in neutral.

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    My guess would be the starter, but to rule out the motor is stuck you could remove the spark plugs and try turning the flywheel by hand. If you can’t get to it you could wrap a small rope around it or maybe with plugs removed put it in gear and try turning the prop by hand, I believe that would turn the motor over to rule out a stuck piston or bearings. Visual verify the starter is not stuck engaged to the flywheel before trying to turn prop.

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