That meet would be a waste of time. With the current administration it falls on deaf ears 
Glenn your correct. Gov Walz has said there will not be a wolf season as long as he is in office. A former Assistant Director USFWS said this when I shared the Gov comments ” It is too bad Minnesota has a wolf population that should be managed, and he is in support of it. We have Western States experiencing excellent success with a hunting season to manage the wolf population. Other game populations ex: deer and elk directly benefited.”
I feel the DNR needs to focus on what is right for the resource instead of warm and fuzzy feel-good socially acceptable programs pushed by the Gov Tim Walz. The Minnesota DNR has, last report 40 vacancies within the department. Wondering why? Might be a good idea to look into the hiring practices, deeper. When I asked one of the MN DNR Dept Heads why this is happening. No clear answer was given. Could it be DEI…..?