They’re reintroducing wolves on Isle Royale for one of many reasons. Probably the biggest reason is to control the moose population. A ranger told me that if they didn’t reintroduce wolves that they expect the moose population to exceed 5000 in the next 5 or 10 years. Currently it just under 2000.
It’s a great theory for that reason but the DNR has been funding studies with radio collared moose and haven’t found that wolf predation is the big factor. I think they’ve found brain worm to be the biggest killer. Brain worm is a parasite that lives in whitetail without damage to the host but will kill moose when infected. Whitetail population has exploded in the past 20-30 years in northern Mn and is likely the biggest factor.
Consider Isle Royale and it’s complete lack of whitetail, I think you find your answer to the disappearing moose.
I find the reintroduction of wolves at Isle Royal amusing. Years ago Isle Royal was the model of natural selection. There have been wolves on and off that island in many cycles. They wanted to leave it alone with zero outside interference quoting a grand ecological experiment in nature. Now I guess it’s okay to mess with it. The wolves eventually died off from too much inbreeding and of course they killed most of the moose and were starving. Now that the wolves are gone and the moose are going through their boom cycle it’s suddenly okay to introduce more wolves to artificially change the ecology, 180 degrees from their previous stance. So why not sell moose hunts to reduce the population? Why not wait for wolves to naturally migrate. The water will freeze again between the mainland and the Island. It is said that wolves can smell prey easily the distance from the mainland to the island. to me it’s just a glaring example of the feds talking out of both sides of their mouths. If there are too many moose on the island, herd them up and ship them overland to Minnesota where they are declining in population. And why again are the moose populations on the island growing but not on the mainland?