Trash patrol on local lakes.

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13338

    I know this has been brought up a time or to all ready this year but as trash left on the ice is a ongoing thing this needs to get mentioned more often.

    2 simple rules.

    #1 If you bring it out on the lake bring it back with you. This means take a quick look around at the end of the day to make sure nothing is left.

    #2. Pick up what you find out there that is left by others. I know many people do not like to do this but it needs to be done. We ca urine and moan all day about the trash left on the lake but this does not make it any cleaner. Suck it up, pick it up and be happy that you helped with the solution. You will feel much better than just grumping about it.

    I started the other day on Island lake in anoka. A half dozen cans and a coffee cup. The lake is a little cleaner for the little effort that was put forth.

    No more bitching guys. Just get it done.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    Thats a very good idea Mike . I dont know how many times I’ve seen guy pulls shacks off with a ton of garbage left behind. I know last year on the Madtown chain it looked like a landfill out there. Dan

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2442

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    I do the same Mike
    Cig butts also!! Where do people think they go after they leave a pile on the ice??

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Good Call Mike. I am not one to pick up after others because it kind of pisses me off seeing it all. I will throw some trash bags in the truck and get what I see out there to do my part. (I might [censored] a little still though)

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