Theives on Odowd!!

  • Kodiak
    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 49

    They stole the ramps out of the back of my duramax on christmas eve night! Thanks for that jack[censored]! didnt you think, hey it is christmas eve, and how is this guy gonna load his atv back into his truck?? people amaze me how they like to take things that are not theirs! oh yeah they also took my tiedowns.

    They are 3 fold, square tubed aluminum with the face of them painted black and the tiedowns are the non-ratching camo ones, i am sure they are long gone!

    Posts: 1573

    That sucks.Sounds like a lot of shacks are getting hit on Mille Lacs too.Sucks when you have to lock everything up these days and then hope they dont break your windows.I think you should be able to shoot someone that steals sporting goods

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    Man what a pain. Hopefully karma will kick in!

    Posts: 12

    Same thing happened to my friend the day after. Out on tonka, 2 Alum ramps with chains.

    Posts: 974

    Just remember with the proper amount of force you can stuff a theif down a hole

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    sry to hear this. im sure they will get theirs in the end.

    some peoples ignorance and disrespect never seem to amaze me…

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 49

    the dmax will get its revenge if i ever find out who did this….i will steal their truck while it is still in park with a towrope.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I guess I better start locking my ramp in. Been nervous each time I leave the truck, but then I say who would steal my new shiny ramp.

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