Boil on my @$$!

  • mud
    Posts: 247

    Got out ice fishing today, had a nice time with my boy. But I gotta tell you, nothing bothers me more than to see someone leave their dogs run loose! There were 4 young labs that came out of nowhere, and I almost ran them over driving to my shack on lake #2. Then to top it off, the beasts were going to each shack and eating fish that someone had just caught! I saw the one lady chasing them, but they would not listen to her. KEEP YOUR DOGS HOME! They don’t belong out there unattended!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    And outta the woods too, Amen!!!

    Posts: 247

    I mean c’mon. I LOVE dogs, but when you don’t keep them under control, you shouldn’t have them out there period! You’re a danger to everyone. There was a guy I chatted with that was going to call the DNR. Hope he did.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    two words “cut bait”. (and I don’t mean from the dogs…) If you’re going to own a dog, be responsible.

    Posts: 1957

    I remember a days fishing…we were in the ice shack slamming the crappies, kept throwing them out the door. When we were done, went outside and half of the fish were gone?? As we were packing up and trying to figure out what happened, thought a bird kept grabbing them, a guy came over with his Lab, on the way over he was telling his dog, “now you go apologize” in a trying not to laugh but commanding voice. Apparently his dog kept coming back to him with a fat crappie in it’s mouth, dropped it behind him and left again for a while, would come back, same thing, drop another crappie. The guy later noticed he had a nice pile of crappies scattered behind him! So the guy watched his dog and where it was going, “our house”. We all had a real good laugh. Not a puncture mark in any of the fish either. It was a nice pup. The guy said it ws the best fishing partner he ever had! All the fish were returned.


    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Sorry to say but I disagree with you 100% about keepin the dogs home..and coppertop “keep them out of the woods too”..whats a hunting dog for…look pretty? I think no matter where you are the lake, woods, city lot, pet store, sporting goods store..its about training and no matter how much you train they dont always do what you want…much like a kid…should you leave them home too??? (buzzin around on wheelers, sleds,almost gettin hit.. etc)obviously the lady was tryin to catch her pups…maybe they ran from home?..dont get me wrong I hate dogs poopin in my yard and eatin my fish more then most..but im still against your thoughts of “keepin em at home” and “outta the woods”…it comes down to respect and training…respect the others around you..and if you are going to get a with it and get off your a$$ and train it to listen…my dog comes with me fishing all the time and always will summer or winter….hope your next time out will be better Rat

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I don’t think that dogs should be kept inside all together, but I agree that they should definitely be under control. I see some guys set up their shanty and they aren’t even aware of where their dog(s) is! as long as they aren’t barking, I’m not too upset…

    Posts: 507

    I agree mud, if you are not going to watch your dogs while they are loose, they have no business being loose. I think this is true in any location, including in town. I’ve got a neighbor that thinks they are better than everyone else on the circle who has 2 full size dogs in the house. They have a nice fenced in back yard, but still let there dogs out in the front unattended to do whatever they want. Needless to say, they find the need to crap in someone elses yard all the time So, if I wanted dog doo in my yard, I would probably either A. have my own dog, or B. find somewhere to buy bags of it and spread it all over my yard myself. Since I don’t want it, whenever I find a pile, I kindly take a shovel, and return the pile to the rightful owner!!
    Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but I do feel that they should be trained to obey, and be cared for so they are not a nuisance to someone else.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I have witnessed similar things with people’s dogs on the ice, on the water and on the land. These are isolated instances and the majority of times dogs behave themselves. I really don’t have a problem with people bringing their dogs with them as long as the dogs can be controlled. I’ve had dogs steal fish before but I always made sure that the owner knew about it. I’ve had a couple dogs jump into my boat uninvited as well. I didn’t even know the owners in both instances. Both times were at the boat landing and one of the dogs got a treble hook on one of my crankbaits stuck on his paw. I wasn’t happy but I didn’t blame the dogs. I blamed the owners. Someday I hope to have a canine fishing buddy but I’ll guarantee you that he/she won’t be stealing other people’s fish or jumping into stranger’s boats.


    Posts: 12

    I love bringing my dog out. My biggest worry isn’t my dog, it’s the people that drive way too fast on the ice. If your driving too fast to be able to stop for a dog, what would you do if you ran over a kid. A dog should be trained if you bring them along, but don’t get your undies in a bunch if a puppy comes up to say hi. I don’t know anyone with four dogs, so it sounds like a unique situation.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    A good dog can and should go any where with their owner. Mine does alot. But he wouldn’t be out bothering others either. So, if your dog doesn’t behave keep him home but if he does bring. Pretty simple. I had one bothering me this fall bow hunting. I have a fairly suburb type spot and this yellow lab ran loose everyday. Really irritating. From the sounds of the neighbors, hes bothering everyone and their dogs. Some people just don’t get it.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    it is just all about respect. That is all.

    Ya know, there are two different types of “people” when it comes to ice fishing. Especially the metro lakes.

    First group is: I’m going to sneak out, to my secret spot, not let anyone see what I’m doing, and I’m going to catch my fish. All in cognito. If you come over by me, I’m probably going to hide my secret lure, and my fish will be tucked away in a bag, so you can’t see what I got. When you turn your back…….I’ll disappear!

    The second group is:
    Hey, let’s grab the kids, nice day on the lake, grab a football, catch some little sunnies, maybe get a bonus pike on a tip-up, laugh, joke, play, visit, have fun, be social! Meet new friends, see how everyone is doing for fishing! If I’m lucky, in the middle of the “city of shackes”, I might get a couple of big crappies!

    Both groups are great people. Just different fisherman. I’ve had dogs mess with my tip-ups before. Sometimes it burns me, sometimes I laugh at the owner chasing the dog around the lake. (I still laugh at people slipping on the ice, doing the helicopter with the arms! )

    I get more upset at the snomobile zipping 80mph through my tip-ups, 50 feet from my portable, then an older gentlemen with his dog searching for fish and wanting to have a conversation.

    Dogs are great, but dog owners need to be respectful of others. It isn’t a free playground for you to let your dog run.

    I do find it humorous though, of the dog fetching fish! If that guy can train the dog to do that with a can of beer out of a cooler, now we got something!!!!!

    Posts: 247

    You know, I say bring your dog only if you can keep it under control. If you are too busy to watch it,(especially 4 pups!) then keep it in the truck until your ready to watch it. It is irresponsible to let your dog run loose and you’re not around to watch it, plain and simple. (And by the way, same goes for some peoples kids!)

    I would sure hate too see someone lose their dog over carelessness, or worse yet, I could not imagine what would happen if someone zipping by on a sled hit one…. Dogs CAN be taught. (And so can kids!)

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