Update.. my evening appointment just canceled.. so I will be fishing Calhoun this afternoon/eve.
February 8, 2007 at 5:34 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Metro Area Forum » Anyone want to fish Calhoun Saturday?
Update.. my evening appointment just canceled.. so I will be fishing Calhoun this afternoon/eve.
I’ve gotta go pick up some food for the dogs and load up…My work days done David are you thinking of the hole just west of the beach? I’ll proboly be on the east side on one of the little points…stop by if you venture over or just want a report.
I’ll probbly swing by on my way out, my schedule got all screwed up for today, I’m still going fishing.. I’ll be out around 4ish?
I was out last night and it was pretty slow for me. I hope those of you heading out on Saturday will have more luck. I look forward to hearing a report.
I was on the west side in about 22 feet of water. Didn’t mark a fish until about 7:30p.m. caught just one small one. Good luck and share you success!
Dave, can you PM me with the low-down? I have a friend coming with and he has a clamshell, so there will be another shanty out there.
Im going to take a spin around Calhoun here shortly and check out the parking siuation, and a place we wont have to drag our stuff 100 miles. I really want to fish the south end, but I need to be sure there is some parking for everyone. The main lot on the south side is a park patron lot.. thats great if you have the sticker. The meters are usually shut down in the winter and they will ticket vehicles without the pass. No need for tickets when there is lots of parkway to park on.
I need to drive over and verify some of us wont be walking 1000 miles if the street parking is too limited.
Calhoun Location Tomorrow:
I will be on the extreme SE side of the lake near the parkway that goes to lake harriet. There is plenty of on street parking. Follow the lake parkway around the lake, and park in the last available parking spots(road side) before the intersection with a stoplight near the archery range.
If you look at a map, you will see a 50′ hole, 40′ hole, a couple humps, mid depth flats, steep breaks… the area has everything.
I will be getting out there in the morning, I suspect I will be there somewhere around 8:30 or a little before. Any walleye action has the highest chance of being productive int he afternoon into the evening,but not impossible to find in the deep water for those willing to drill some holes. Pike and muskies can be anywhere along the weeds, flats, or deep structures. Its worth drowning sucker minnows on a tip up.. walleyes sometimes take the suckers over the deep water. If anyone wants to chase panfish, I am sure there will be some sunny’s and crappies in the weeds(anywhere 20′ and less), and pesky perch will be harrasing people with small presentations if there is a school anywhere near by. Calhoun does occasionaly produce keeper panfish.. but it produces lots more potato chips than aything.
If your coming from 36th street(east side of lake), hang a left at the lake, then a right at the stop sign(follow calhoun parkway).. you can turn off on any side street to do an illegal U turn and park in the spaces just before the light(100 yards?). Either that, or hang a right on the lake parkway and follow the parkway the few miles around the lake and pull off and park when you get close to the lights.
Look for my truck and houses on the lake. There will be a White S10 blazer parked in the area, and my house is a dark grey shappel, my little black 1 man pullover will likely be there too.
So far so… slow?
It was a long day out there, perch were plentiful.. TOO plentiful The one flag I got happened when I ran to the store and left Manny in charge of my tip-up.. well, DTRO missed that fish
Dtro came back and caught a few walleyes arund sunset, all smaller than what were looking for. Aqua joe caught a few the last I knew with one good eater, Pug and chris(family member?) sat in their little 1 1/2 man shack staring at a big double burner mr heater.. not sure if they ever caugt a fish, but if they would have turned that heater to high they would have been a hot air balloon. Dave Barber was still waiting to catch something other than perch. Dave, Aqua joe, Bob Moore, and Manny were still toughing it out for a little longer when I left, audemp headed out at the same time(we got to lake at 8:30 am).
There were a few more smaller walleyes mixed in that I have no idea who got, the bigger fish didnt want to chew that were on the flasher. Hopefully these guys have something better to report soon.
I had a good time although the fishing was dismal, thanks guys for stopping down!
That wind is COLD out there right now!
Hey Dave, was a pleasure getting out fishing with you! Will have to come back and try them Walleyes again. I left not too long after you. As did a few others. Bob and Manny were still manning it out… or should I say, coughing it out. lol. Anyway, it was nice to meet everyone out there today. Slow fishing, but good day anyway.
I learned a couple things today:
1. Have your gear ready to go the night before so you can make any last minute adjustments if necessary(left rod bag and rods in pickup bed of the last guy I fished with)
Had to buy a new combo at Moore’s just to fish today.
2. When the ice gets to be 18″+, hand augers are really no fun at all
No matter…..I still had a blast….as I always do when I’m fishing.
Nice to see some familiar faces and some new ones.
BTW, I had no involvement with that tip up fish. I think it was “Mr Tipup expert” Sorry Dave B. I couldn’t resist.
But, AquaJoe wins the comic relief award of the day, hands down, with his dueling ice sticks
Thanks for the invite Dave!
Good seeing everyone. My eater was 15 1/2 inchs. I has already been consumed. There were some very nice steaks from it.
Nothing better then fresh fish.
I think Medicine is calling my name tomorrow.
DTRO that wasn’t necessary to bring that up!!
I had a good time as well. I did land two cigar perch and Chris missed a couple. He is actually a friend, no relation. The only complaint I have is that the usual frozen digits happened when I packed up. Nothing like that burning pain in your joints as they thaw. Here’s a few picts I got.
I think Medicine is calling my name tomorrow.
I am heading there this afternoon if I have enough time left after my chores. I have a “spot” from last year I have to visit for a few toothy critters.
Those are great pics pug!
Nice composition and cropping.
Wow… really good job on the pictures pug! (you posted them when I was making a post)
I will have no problem handing you a camera in the future for shots!
Aw thanks guys. One of the best things I learned in HS photo class was the old rule of 3rds. The camera isn’t the best, which is why I use it for fishing, but it helps having PhotoShop to adjust things a little as needed. I am no where near as good as my daughter though. When I take her fishing, she is in charge of the pictures and she takes some neat shots.
Great pics pug! I bet people that were driving by were thinking man the fish must really be biting, no they wern’t at least not the right fish, it is just a bunch of crazed IDA’ers willing to do anything to wet a line!
I did have a good time and had a few laughs especially when those foreigners were posing for pictures next to aquajoes fish house. There must have been a hundered of them out on the ice testing how cold the water was out of some of our past drilled holes.
Well we will have to do it again soon!
It was great meeting some new faces, Dave B and Manny,
Good to see some regulars, Marc, Bob, Pug, Dtro, Joe, Dave.
I apologize if I’m overlooking anyone.
Dave thanks for lending a Rod and Joe for a minnow. It was a good way to end a work day. I wish I could have spent a little more time.
quick side note:
I did join a buddy on Harriet tonight on my way home and manages a couple perch. He managed a couple small walley 2 days ago. Also crossed paths with another fellow IDAer.
Sealegs sporting a Moores cap. Nice to have met you
Nice to have met you, larry! hopefully, you can spend some more time out!! At least you got to wet a line… no matter how cold it was getting.
It was nice to meet a few guys on Saturday. I got one dink right at sunset.
No muskies unfortunately
Lots of musky-bait size catches though
I never seen so many perch in calhoun as I did on Saturday. Nothing of any size, but all 4″-7″ *forage* size fish. When I was set over the deeper water(36″), my flasher was lit up soild with perch extending from the bottom to 8′ up. The water clarity is so clear right now the perch were already coming up after my bait when it was 15′-20′ below the ice in 36′ of water… not 1 or 2, DOZENS of perch.
I wish I had a underwater camera to see what else is going on down there chasing those perch around. There is no shortage of preditors in the lake, we just have a couple very strong year classes of perch!
unfourtunatley I was unable to make it out with you guys on saturday. I was called in at the last moment. I did however make it out to harriet on friday eve. I got on the ice and set up about 4pm and things were pretty slow, a couple dink perch and crappies. I must’ve been to close to the break. About 5pm I moved deeper and caught 2 harriet eyes right of the bat and sat about another half hour before hooking up with a nice 23″ eye. another good night on our little metro honey holes. David when are you heading out again?, it’d be great to meet some of you guys.
I’ll be headed out fishing within about 30 minutes, I have to grab some auger blades on the way and a few suckers for the tip ups.
Just havent decided where yet. I fish all the time, or at least willing to fish. Send me a PM, or call my cell (612)281-0943. Some company is always welcome and covers more ground qickly.
David. I’m a pretty busy guy for about the next two weeks. Too much work and not enough time to fish. I may be able to make it out a nite or two if things go well, if so I’ll PM ya and let you know what I’m thinking. Also I wouldn’t mind heading out to conia after the perms are pulled for some of that late season crappie action. It can get pretty fast and furious out there late in the year.
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