I know there are forum members here that fish the city lakes, and lots of lurkers floating around looking for informtion, and reports on metro waters.
If your a member, speak up if there is any question you have. I will answer what I can, when I can, and I know there are others out there that would like to discuss the lakes and rivers in our *back yard*.
If your a lurker on this site, please get registered and take full advantage of what IDA has to offer. The more people active in an area and current topics, the more beneficial it will be for everyone, novice, or pro.
I have been fishing the Minneapolis and greater metro area lakes and rivers for a long time. Shore and boat fishing, if it swims here, I have pursued it. I am more than happy to share any knowledge, or insight I have on the fisheries we have here.
We have a great group of people here on IDA which have always been very helpful and informative. I would really like to see many of us, nd future users bring this metro forum to life! We have great fisheries here!
If anyone has any questions.. general, simple, lake specific, complicated, anything related to the metro fisheries… please speak up! We all have something to learn from everyone. I learn new things every day!
We have a good walleye fishery, excellent musky fishey, LM & SM bass in quality size and numbers, trophy catfish of both species, and plenty of panfish action.
The fact is, we have lots of great fishing right out our back door.
Lets get this metro forum rolling! Start a new topic and lets knock our heads together to get people on some fish!