I had my trip to LAX planned for a month. Then all of this high water came into play which in the end caused me to cancel. This morning I fished the Croix above Taylors Falls, MN. The water has risen 6ft since Monday night according to a resident that I chatted with. So I headed home about 12:30PM. Was about ready to call it a day, decided I would kill some more time at a local lake that is traditionally pretty poor for bass.
Well within 30 minutes of fishing here is what I landed. Two fished that were almost indentical at 20 1/2 inches. I called the wife to come down and take pictures of me with them so I could release them on the spot afterwards. I am really disappointed in the photos. They didnt do these fish justice at all. They were not only long, but had tremendous girth, without a doubt the two biggest LM I’ve caught in my life.